CHAPTER: 46 Zaidie's Conjecture

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How can a person make someone compel? Either by having their weakness or by torture.

Physical or mental torture.

That person cannot torture her physically since he need her body for his work so he chose the latter.
Mental torture.

Since then, Zaidie has been confined next to the most wildest Greymoss' cage.

The period of differentiation isn't something to take lightly about. It's their body's development phase and while developing, any wrong brick can break or make something that we never intended to.

That Greymoss' cage isn't soundproof.

That sporadic clicking sound made my his tentacles gave her notion of constantly being monitored by him. The thunderous roars and the clinking of chains made by that Greymoss in that numbing silence always sent Zaidie to the apex of oblivion.

Staying in that confinement room always gave her a feeling of constantly being chased by him.

Dante and Pedro vehemently opposed to that proposal of his but since they weren't in charge, they couldn't control it.

For a whole month, Zaidie was confined in an enclosed room next to that Greymoss' cage devoid of anything to distract herself.
Not even a clock.

Those disturbing sounds has resurfaced her old traumas like fresh wounds with more deeper roots than before.

That wasn't the only thing happened to Zaidie in confinement. She did a thorough analysis of things to get a better outlook. And, she came to many hypothesis which were or can be true.

One, what Zaidie had read from the data brought by Elijah, Dante and his friends were working for Diego medicines.
And, Zaidie had an impression of the man who appears here but couldn't exactly remember where she had seen him.

Onlooking these two points and him, Zaidie could tell that he might be Chase-her friend's one of the two brothers.

That's her hypothesis.

Two, witnessing Dante and Pedro's indignant and resentful behavior towards that person can be perceived in two ways. Either they are being burnt out or they are here against there will.

This is a hypothesis which needs Dante and Pedro's validation which, she'll do once she meet them.

Even if Dante wouldn't say anything, she is sure that Pedro will react to it

Third, as long as Zaidie could remember, Dante and his 02 friends went missing but, Zaidie only has seen one- Pedro. So, where is Nash?

Fourth, Zaidie is safe until she hadn't differentiated.

They were talking about turning her into Hybrid Greymoss because of her exceptional fertility. Why? Do they want her for breeding? Since, the only thing for which good fertility needed is for better offspring.

But, what about the Greymoss' female?

And lastly, she misses and worries about Kawan and Zaiden, dearly.
This needs no confirmation.

Zaidie is worried that Zaiden would be restless till now. She hopes he would not get anxious too much and get ill.

She is worried about Kawan's well being since he got injured while saving her.

She knew that Kawan will surely look for her a few days but, she hopes he doesn't look for her for too long and just move on.

One part of her wants him to forget her while other, it is eagerly waiting for him to look her. To save her.

To rescue her from this hellish nightmare.

To not give upon her to whom he had promised to help, to love and then get married.

Zaidie uttered in self blame, "How selfish I am! I think this is because of the chemical change my body is undergoing due to being in differentiation. I should just wish for him to see that video and work on it."

It has been more than a month since she was confined in that room.

Initially, the security was tight around her room and she wasn't allowed to see anyone. However, it has been decreased for past 05 days.

Zaidie's confinement hours had ben reduced from 24 hours to 14 hours. The rest 10 hours she spends time with Dante and Pedro in their lab helping and observing their research on Seneo-Meneo's drug for promoting differentiation.

"This is the concentration for the next dosage that will be given to her." , said Dante after completing his comprehensive research study.

Pedro added, "But, according to this, we have to obey several things like equal intervals between dosages, noting every minute detail for further use, the external promoter, etc."

Upon looking the research formula, Zaidie thought, 'That is quite close to the result I had worked upon in Deep Sea Research Lab with Dr. Carter.'

"However, the thing here is if we don't start now, the chances of risk can be greater. It has already been over 05 months of her last dosage." , Dante stated.

"Yes and that is mental sea collapse. So, when should we start, little doctor?" , asked Pedro.

"Before that, why are you guys so irritated over your boss? Well, I do because I have a very valid reason but, why you? Is he abusing his labor?" , asked Zaidie, cautiously.

Listening to her, Dante wore a troubled expression.

As for Pedro, he said sarcastically, "Boss you say? Nice joke little doctor but sadly, it didn't bring us laughter."

He continued, " Are you looking at this thing in our hand, this isn't a bracelet."


"What? I just stated some facts to our little friend so that she would not have any misunderstanding." , Pedro explained plainly.

What Zaidie had thought turned out to be true.
Pedro will react.

The thing Zaidie saw when Pedro rolled up his sleeve was electromagnetic handcuffs, same as hers, currently, open.

To think that these people's have spent nearly 30 years of their life in confinement also, they were forced to work for destruction of mankind.

That heinous thing, they were forced to make it with their own hands.

Just how much it had taken from them.

Dante looked at her and said, "Leave him. And, do tell us about when you want us to proceed and I wanted to confirm one thing."

"Did you had an alpha before coming here? Because, the medicines I later gave you for side-effects like fever, pain and all didn't work for you."

Next Update: Around 02September, 2024

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