birthday surprise gone wrong (pt.1)

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You and Jensen are together. You are trying to surprise him for his birthday, but it goes wrong. Weeks later at his birthday he realizes his mistake.

Warnings: language, fighting, break up

Written from your point of view as Addison/ Addie.

I walked back into the kitchen, hiding the excitement of having everything set. It's so hard keeping all these surprises to myself. But I have been working on it for two months. I can wait three more weeks to tell him.

Jensen was now standing at the counter with a piece of mail in his hand. His shoulders were raised and his back was stiff. His jaw was tense as his glaring gaze met mine. It made me nervous.

"What's.." I started to ask.

But he cut me off, "What the hell is this, Addison? How long have you been cheating on me and it went unnoticed?! God, I'm a moron!" He screamed and gestured his hand, confusing the hell out of me instantly.

I have never even had the thought to cheat in this man. I don't want anyone else. This life is what I want. "Jay, what are you talking about?" I managed to ask as I cautiously moved closer. I wanted to see what he was looking at - and thought there was a chance me being closer would calm him.

He shoved the mail at me and went around me to get to his keys, "This all adds up with other shit to speak for itself! I'm done, Addison! I'm leaving."

Panic, fear, and tears consumed me. I looked at what he had been reading. My credit card statement. It's high right now - with a cruise and trip to Hawaii listed.

"What do you mean 'done'? Jay please wait and talk to me." I pleaded as he got close to the front door. He was truly leaving.

"We have nothing to talk about! I'm so done! I'm going back to work!" He yanked the front door open, only pausing as I got closer.

"It isn't what you're thinking! Please let me explain!" I begged.

"Not needed. We are done. Ended. No more us. We are not a couple anymore." He told me firmly. Some cold. Not even a glance back at me as he walked to his car. He was serious.

"Jay! I'm not cheating on you! Please listen to me. I promise you, it's not.." but he shut his door and started the engine. He flew out of the driveway in a flash.

I cried in the doorway for a while. How did he jump to the idea I was unfaithful? Over a couple credit card charges? And to just leave like that? To not give me a chance to explain?

This was a knife to my stomach.

Me: please call me. I'll explain.
Me: it isn't like that. You have to believe me.

Then I was informed I could no longer contact him. So he had blocked me. I have never seen this side of him.

I went to bed - making a plan to leave tomorrow, it's getting late to do it tonight.

The next day I set out on packing up all my things around the house. I left my boxes around, mostly in the guest room, packed a bag of essentials and some clothes then went to a hotel.

This is Jensen's house. So I'm the one who needs to move out.

Over the next week I got myself a long term stay, and moved my things to a storage unit.

I shut myself away from everyone. I poured myself into my 2 projects. I went to work and came back only.

The only person I let know where I was, was Gen. I wanted someone to know where to find me if needed, but made her swear to secrecy.

She's a close friend as of these last two years as I got with Jensen. But, I stuck with need-to-know: Jensen broke up with me and where I was staying.

She pushed for more information, but I stone-walled her. I'm sure once the smoke clears there will be lines drawn, and she is married to Jensen's best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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