30. Friends

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"What do you mean he hasn't woken up yet? He was supposed to be alright

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"What do you mean he hasn't woken up yet? He was supposed to be alright. He wasn't bitten for more than a couple of minutes." Mix sits up, trying to get out of the bed. "I have to see him."

"No," Phuwin puts his hands on Mix's shoulders and presses him back down to bed. "You still need to rest.

"Phuwin, I swear to god, if you won't—"

The doctor clears his throat to get their attention and steps closer to Mix, "Mix, your friend is right. You need to stay in bed for now. You are in no condition to walk around yet. You have two broken ribs, bruises all over, a sprained ankle and some other minor injuries. And you just woke up. Rest a little more. I need to check your vitals and you need to take some medication."

"Look, doctor," Mix groans. "I frankly don't care! Just tell me what's wrong with my boyfriend! I need to see him."

"Your boyfriend will be alright. The reason he hasn't woken up yet is that his body needs more time to get rid of all zombie toxins. He might have been bitten only for a couple of minutes before you activated the radio waves, but he was bitten nevertheless. Everyone who was bitten and didn't die after hearing the radio waves is now still asleep, slowly recovering. It will take at least another couple of days before the least affected start to wake up."

"So, Earth will be alright?" Mix asks carefully, just to be sure.

"He'll be alright," the doctor nods.

Mix turns to Phuwin and hits his shoulder with as much strength as he can master right now, "you couldn't say that at the beginning?!"

Phuwin ducks his head, "sorry..."

"Alright, let me have a look at you," the doctor says and puts on his stethoscope.

Mix sighs but nods and relaxes in the bed so that the doctor can have a proper look at him.

"Take a couple of deep breaths," the doctor says.

So, Mix does. It hurts a little but not as much as it used to before. The doctor hums for himself, presses his fingers on Mix's neck and under his jaw, and hums again. "Alright, open your mouth... Okay... and one more thing—let me have a look at your stomach." The doctor puts his hands to Mix's stomach and starts pressing here and there. "Does any of this hurt?"

Mix shakes his head, "no... I'm okay."

"You are healing well, that's good," the doctor says. "If you want I can go to have a look at Earth now, but like I said—he won't be up yet."

Mix smiles, releasing a deep breath, "it'd be nice if you could do that. Thank you."

The doctor nods and leaves.

"Glad you are feeling better," Phuwin says.

Mix looks back at him, suddenly having so many questions. How did they get here? And where's that here even is. Where's Pond? Is he with Earth? And where exactly is Earth? Why didn't they put them in beds next to each other? And what about the military? This is clearly a military hospital, so is the military all right with what Earth did? He basically went against the orders of his superiors. Or is that all forgotten now when they basically saved the world? And what about Lana? Does Lana know where Mix is? He needs to find her as soon as he can once he is fully recovered. Just questions, so many questions...

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