what big sisters are for kny

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requested by: 

cg kanae 

little shinobu

The Butterfly Estate was unusually quiet as Kanae walked through its familiar halls. The day's work was done, the patients tended to, and the apprentices given their assignments for the evening. Yet, despite the tranquility, a sense of unease settled in Kanae's chest. She hadn't seen Shinobu in hours, and her little sister was never one to miss dinner.

Kanae made her way to Shinobu's office, the faint glow of candlelight seeping through the small gap in the sliding door. She knocked softly but received no response. Concerned, she gently pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The sight that greeted her broke her heart.

Shinobu sat hunched over her desk, papers scattered around her, her shoulders trembling with silent sobs. The usually composed and strong-willed Insect Hashira looked small and fragile, her hands clutching her head as if trying to hold herself together.

"Shinobu..." Kanae whispered, her voice soft and full of concern.

Shinobu's head shot up, her tear-streaked face turning towards her sister. But instead of the usual sharp gaze, Kanae saw wide, frightened eyes, filled with a vulnerability that was rare for Shinobu.

"Sis..." Shinobu's voice quivered, and then she broke. Her breath hitched, and she let out a small, broken cry. "I... I can't do it... It's too much..."

Kanae was by her side in an instant, kneeling down and gathering Shinobu into her arms. "Oh, sweetheart, it's okay," she murmured, stroking Shinobu's hair gently. "You're safe now. I'm here."

Shinobu clung to her sister, her body shaking as the stress and pressure of her duties melted away, leaving her feeling small and helpless. The weight of everything—her responsibilities, the memories of their past, the expectations she placed on herself—became too much to bear. She felt herself slipping, the walls she had carefully built around her mind crumbling.

"Kanae..." Shinobu's voice was tiny, barely more than a whimper. "I'm... I'm scared..."

Kanae held her tighter, sensing the shift in her sister's demeanor. "It's alright, Shinobu," she said softly, rocking her gently. "You don't have to be strong right now. Let it all out. I'm here to take care of you."

And with those words, Shinobu let go. The last vestiges of her adult self slipped away, and she regressed fully into the mindset of a frightened three-year-old. Her hands, now clinging to Kanae's haori, felt impossibly small, her voice reverting to the high-pitched tones of a toddler.

"Kanae... I don' wanna be 'lone..." Shinobu mumbled, sniffling as she buried her face in her sister's shoulder.

"You won't be alone, my sweet girl," Kanae reassured her, her voice tender as she cradled Shinobu close. "Big Sister's here, and I'm going to take care of everything. You just rest now."

Kanae carefully picked up her regressed sister, carrying her over to a futon she kept in the office for late nights. She laid Shinobu down, tucking the blanket around her snugly. Shinobu's thumb found its way to her mouth, a clear sign of how deeply she had regressed. Kanae smiled softly, brushing a few stray locks of hair from Shinobu's face.

"Do you want your bunny?" Kanae asked, knowing how much Shinobu loved the little stuffed rabbit she had since childhood.

Shinobu nodded, her eyes wide and teary. "Bunny..."

Kanae quickly retrieved the toy from a nearby shelf, placing it in Shinobu's arms. The little girl hugged it tightly, her tears slowly subsiding as she focused on the comforting presence of her sister and her beloved bunny.

"Thank you..." Shinobu whispered around her thumb, her eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.

"There's nothing to thank me for, little one," Kanae replied softly, pressing a kiss to Shinobu's forehead. "You're my precious sister, and I'll always be here to take care of you."

Shinobu's eyes fluttered shut, her breathing evening out as she drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and loved in her sister's care. Kanae stayed by her side, gently humming a lullaby their mother used to sing to them when they were young.

As the night deepened, Kanae watched over her little sister, her heart swelling with love and protectiveness. No matter what challenges they faced, no matter how hard the world became, Kanae knew that she would always be there to support Shinobu.

After all, that was what big sisters are for.

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