Wicked Game

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Holy shit.

Italian model Mila Giovanni will be in my music video. She signed with Dolce & Gabbana two years ago and has been the face of the brand ever since. The five foot nine inch, 23 year old, long-haired brunette is currently the third highest paying model and highest in demand, yet she agreed to be in my music video? The Heartbreak Hotel music video? This is supposed to be the steamiest, sexiest video to go along with the break-up song, with sex scenes from a hotel bedroom, shower, and sauna.

I say again - Holy shit.

I sit through the rough draft with the production team going through the basics and already feel a little on edge.

An hour later, I walk out of the studio room and into mine where Trisha is waiting for me. Paul has the day off now that Julia is home. We still don't know what to do about The Avalon so for now, I pulled her out and stopped the payments. I don't care if she loses her spot. It isn't worth forcing her to go.

"Soooo, how'd it go? And why do you look so frazzled??" Trisha looks up from her laptop and crosses her legs dressed in one of her fucking skirts that is not fucking helping matters.

I plop down on the couch and take a swig from my water bottle.

"We're gonna start planning to film the music video for Heartbreak Hotel." I respond.

"That's awesome!" She claps her hands excitedly. "Who'd they get to be the lucky winner for THAT one?"

Trisha knows this will be a more erotic video that I'm not quite used to. I've filmed plenty of music videos with seductive scenes and such, but this one.... this one is supposed to push the envelope.

I keep my eyes straight ahead looking at the wall, knowing Trisha is gonna freak.

"Mila Giovanni."

"Wait, WHAT??? Mila Giovanni as in Mila Giovanni??" She shuts her laptop and stands up.

"You lucky motherfucker. Oh God, wait till your little Julia finds out about THIS!" She cackles and I squint my eyes at her.

"Stop. She'll be fine. She knows this is all acting. It's fake." I remind Trisha though I'm a little concerned for myself here.

"Nate. How the hell did you get Mila Giovanni to star in this video? You do realize this particular video is pretty much ALL about sex, right? Oh man are you gonna have a hard time." She laughs at her own pun.

"Grow up, Trisha."

"So when does this all partake, Playboy?"

"First thing's first, I have a personal trainer and nutritionist coming tonight. Gotta get some "gainz" going before I show off this sexy bod." I joke, and Trisha literally spits out her tea on the table. "Real nice."

I shake my head and watch her clean up her mess while laughing.

"Oh my God, Nate. Never say that again!"

"What? "Gainz""? I say it again on purpose and snicker. Trisha knows better to tell me never to do something again. It'll be the first thing I do.

"Anyway, your body is already perfect. You know that." She waves me off and sits back down.

"Thanks, but no. I want to be James gainz." I say the word again.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but that ain't gonna happen. You are two completely different people, and he looks like he's worked out three times a day for yeeaarrss. I mean, look at the guy. He goes into a coma for weeks and comes out still looking buff."

"True." I lean back and feel my abs. They're still there and toned even after the GI surgery and car accident preventing me from doing crunches.

She notices me feeling my abs over my shirt and rolls her eyes.

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