falling for my husband ❤️(epilogue)1

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"How can you do that to me jin hyung "
Jimin asked jin holding his shirt collars.

"Jiminie....i am sorry! " jin started crying..

"Jin why are you calling him sorry? " jungkook went to jin who was unknown to the fact what's going on...and removed jimim's hand from seokjin's shirt collars..

"Jimin...what the....jin is pregnant can't you see?if he got hurt then??"
Jin started Crying more looking at jungkook's reaction.. Because after knowing the truth he will lose jungkook for forever.

"You are taking his sides???because of him we are separated jungkook!! I would have been in his place. I would have been your husband....! "

"What you are trying to say?"

"It was him who edit the Photos and made in viral on the social media and created an environment so that you had to marry him getting no other options "

Those hands of jungkook that securely caged jin's waist became loose...

"Do you have any proof?"


"Why did you do that jin hyung? Why you destroyed my best friend's life..jimin used to love you so much...whenever you got hurt,he was the one you went to you to look if you okay or not!!!how can you snatch his love of life....if you loved jungkook, then why didn't you tell him...why did you creat that photo drama???"taehyung said
Taehyung became emotional seeing his best friend crying..

"I never expected... You were behind all this.....i forgotten you are a acting major...we never doubted you cause we believed you so much!" yoongi said..

Jin let him fall on his knees..
With one hand he did stroke his 8month pregnant belly trying to say his baby to calm down....his baby also getting the iDEA that his appa was not okay...

"Even after these...if the company allow him to stay in bts then i am leaving... I can't be in the same group where this man will be" Hobi said taking stand on jimin's side.

"He will not be a part of bts in future "
Namjoon the leader said.

Hearing it jin started crying with agony..
Everyone left a crying pregnant jin there inside the bts office room..

But jungkook stayed there like a statue...there was silence everywhere... Then slowly started going to the door to get out...
Seeing jungkook leaving jin also got up and followed jungkook.
They reached at the parking lot

Seeing jungkook getting inside the driver seat jin went near the car. But he could not open the passenger seat door...

"Jungkook ah...open the door please "

But jungkook ignored jin and started the car...he was feeling betrayed by jin whom he trusted the most..he never expected jin would be the actual culprit.

"How will i go alone....it's going to rain"
Jin shouted... But jungkook's car didn't stop..

Jungkook's car arrived infront of his house...jin was sitting outside in rain...
Seeing jungkook getting down from car jin stood up...
"Kookie....where did you go?i am waiting for you since 2 hours "
Jin went to jungkook and hugged him making jungkook's clothes wet also.
Jin reached at jungkook's home drenching in rain..
"You changed the door password? I can't open the door "jin said with a whine

Jungkook removed jin from him...
Jin wasn't shocked by jungkook's reaction..
Jin started smiling like an idiot..
"Sorry...i make you wet....Don't worry i will clean your shirt after getting inside"

Jungkook again ignored jin...and went to front door.
Jin followed him...stayed silently when jungkook trying to open the door.

But getting inside he was going to close the door on jin's face but jin stopped the door with his hands..

"Don't do it jungkook-ah...let me come..inside....its raining outside... Me and the baby will catch cold "
Jin held jungkook's hand and placed it on his bulging belly..
"Our baby become impatient.... Can YOU feel it jungkook? Baby needs dad's love...he is innocent.. Don't punish him please... "

Jungkook removed his hand from jin's belly... Getting emotional..

"Never come infront of me..i don't' want to see your face in future! "
After 2hours later:


"Jungkook where are you?"

"What happen? Why your voice is tensed? "

"Jungkook... Where ever you are..... Leave what are you doing and come to the Seoul hospital immediately! "

"Dad....something happened to dad???"

"Seok....seokjin ah... "
His mom could not say anything started crying..

Jungkook ran to hospital with his car...
He was practically running until he reached at the reception

"Seokjin..... " before he could ask about anything...
Sound from TV came to his ears

"BTs member,and The husband of world's heart throb jungkook..... Kim seokjin faced an accident.. Netizens said it was hit and run case..that car hitted seokjin.. Not only hitting but also crashed his body under the car...reportedly seokjin was pregnant and the pressure of the car ruptured his belly and the baby come out immediately at the accident sites ... The people saying they never saw these type of accident before...seokjin's conditions is very critical..chances of his surviving is very low.. In this tragedy only the good news is jinkook's baby is alive!"

Jungkook turned towards the TV slowly.. They were showing the accident sites scene how seokjin was found...hazzy images were shown... His husband jin was laying in the pool of blood.. His abdomen burst open and their baby came....
Jungkook collapsed on the floor and lossed consciousness immediately seeing those images.... It was a shock for him...he was thinking may be seokjin's labour pain started and he admitted in hospital.. He was never expecting for this kind of news
No one can tolerate their love one's this type of conditions

(JINKOOK+TAEJIN)❤️ 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now