Chapter 20

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- Flashback to 2006-

"So what brings you here ?" The boy said walking over to the girl holding a book setting it on her desk as he sat down .

" We needed a change of scenery"

"So ya'll chose philly?"

" I didn't choose here , my parents did" The girl said writing the notes down for the physics class.

The girl kept her sentences short, all she needed to do was pass these few basic courses and 11th grade year here she comes.

"so, are you just going to ignore me alayshia?"

The girl looked up and gave a fake smile " Look here Shaquille O'Neal son in law , I'm not here to make friends I'm just trying to pass these courses, and don't talk to me until you get my name right"

The boy nodded getting up walking to the teacher desk " ay ms.hax , you're looking lovely today "

" what do you want now child" The teacher said stacking papers on her desk.

" can I see the attendance paper please " the boy said flashing the teacher a smile.

" what do you possibly need it for , I already passed it around"

" I think I forgot to sign "

The teacher gave in handing the young boy the paper .

The boy looked at the paper starting from the bottom then going up seeing the new name added , he looked up handing it back to the teacher.

"Wow , where is my memory going I did sign it " he said smiling walking back towards the girl .

" So Ayesha are you going to stop ignoring me and talk to me now?"

" sure shaq, what would you like to know " Ayesha shut her book turning to boy .

" first off call me Wardell not shaq, but what grade are you in?"

" it's complicated but right now I'm technically a sophomore again"

" so how are you taking these advanced courses ?" Wardell asked intrigued

" I was like an honor student you can say" Ayesha said smiling

" oh yeah me to" Wardell said getting up.

" where are you going ?" Ayesha asked following his moments with her eyes .

" Time for the next class, it's on your schedule"

Ayesha had to get use to not wearing uniforms and the different transition times from class to class.

Ayesha lifted up the sheet looking at it then putting it down. " oh yeah thanks"

" no problem, you need help finding them? " Wardell asked as all the kids started leaving .

" no , but if I do you will be the first person I ask " Ayesha said gathering her things leaving the classroom looking for the fine arts department.

Wardell shook his head going to gym since next period was his free period .

- Flashback over -

September 2014
The Curry's /Alexander's have been in Spain for about 2 weeks for the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup games.

USA VS Finland - W
USA VS Dominican Republic - W
USA VS New Zealand - W
USA VS Turkey - W
USA VS Mexico - W
USA VS Ukraine - W
Quarter finals: USA VS Slovenia - W

USA VS Lithuania - W

Gold Medal Game - TBA
USA VS Serbia

Your body is here but your mind is somewhere else.

Ayesha has been trying to talk to Stephen for the past couple of weeks but it's like he's there but he's not.

The first week it was fun but now it's like he's not 100% , he gives a 100% to Riley and the games but it's like when Ayesha talks to him he's neutral.

Ayesha stood on the balcony with Klay looking at the city.
" I'm worried about him... I think he's starting to get depressed and I don't know why" Ayesha said looking up at the sky

" something's are better left unsaid Ayesha , you know you're like my little-big sister but that's not my place "

" What do you mean by that Klay .. He knows he can talk to me about anything "

" he knows that but it's just the situation at hand is really serious.. Just talk to him" Klay said with his shades on looking at Riley leaning against the railing.

Ayesha gave Klay a hug and kissed Riley's head exiting the room going to Stephen's room since her and him have separate rooms, she wanted to give Stephen space.

Ayesha knocked on the door waiting for an answer . It took awhile but Stephen finally came to the door once he did he opened it standing aside letting Ayesha in.

Ayesha walked in going through the mini living room to his bedroom leaning against the wall as he followed her sitting on the bed.

He looked physically okay but in his eyes Ayesha saw something different with her Best friend .

They say one's eyes are a window into the soul. - unknown

" Stephen be truthful with me am I suffocating you?"

He didn't respond , Ayesha took off her jacket and walked over to doing something she hasn't done in awhile ...embraced him.

Ayesha straddled him wrapping her legs and arms around Stephen's torso laying her head on his shoulder.

" Please talk to me , I promise you I will listen with no judgement"

Stephen opened his mouth but closed it slowly wrapping his arms around his friend almost as if he was afraid to do so, he did it ever so gently like he was afraid to harm her.

" take your time" she said soothingly in his ear running her nails through his mini fro.

Stephen sighed then started talking "So 3 days in being here in Spain , I was leaving the club with a couple of friends and this female wanted an autograph I tried to give her one but I couldn't get to her since paparazzi was everywhere... It was chaotic so I couldn't ,then next thing I know a week later I get charged with rape when I didn't even touch the girl." Stephen said sighing at the end of the story.

" Have you talked to your lawyers?"

" I have , once I got the claim they were talking about a warrant for my arrest but they couldn't lock me up since they didn't have any evidence and the NBA is trying to keep this all under wraps.. Ayesha my career could really be over before it even starts"

Don't know where you went but you're gone now.

"Don't say that everything will fall into place and that girl she gone get hers I promise you.. Just have faith about it Wardell"

" I never realized how malicious people really are until now "

" that and money got people's minds messed up all the way" Ayesha said rubbing his back.

Stephen wasn't the type of person to show his emotions he kept it all in you wouldn't really know what he is thinking unless you actually ask him.

Stephen laid back slowly as Ayesha got off of him taking her shoes off laying back on top of him . She had her ear to his chest .

" steady your breathing " she mumbled

Baby... You should be here

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