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Written on- 09/01/2024~ 09/03/2024|Number of words- 3240

One day Shota, Hizashi, and Y/n were at the arcade playing together the next Y/n was missing. The police think a villain kidnapped him. Y/n's parents seemed devastated by the news of their child being gone. years pass and Shota and Hizashi become Pro Heroes dedicating their lives to finding their lost friend.

"This just in Pro Hereos Present Mic and Eraser Head has asked the new police chief, Ashton Michaelson, to open the ten-year-old case of Y/n L/n. Will the now twenty-five-year-old be found?" The news rings out.

"Huh... I should probably fix that," A male says as he stands up and walks to the door of his house. He looks at his phone and sees it is 3:15 pm. "Time to pick her up," the male says with a small smile. He leaves the house and walks to the elementary school nearby. He stands amongst the other parents smiling.

"Did you hear about that old case that's being opened?" A mother asks a group of other moms.

"Yeah, If my child was taken from me I don't know what I would do," The other mother says.

"I know, I have a thirteen-year-old... he's only a few years off from that kid who went missing," a third mother says.

"DADDY!" A little girl says running over to the male.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" the male asks picking up the child.

"It was fun! I love second grade!" She says.

"Ah, Mr, L/n, hello, Kayo, had a wonderful day," A teacher says walking up to the male.

"Oh, please call me Y/n, Mr. L/n is my father," Y/n says and the teacher smiles.

"Okay," She says with a small blush on her face.

"Okay pumpkin, we have to run an errand before we go home," Y/n says and Kayo nods.

"Okay," She says smiling. Y/n places the little girl down on the ground and they walk away.

After a train ride and a five-minute walk, Y/n found himself in front of the Musutafu police station. He sighs and walks in holding the hand of Kayo.

"Why are we here Daddy?" Kayo asks.

"Because daddy needs to fix something," Y/n says and the little girl nods.

"Can we help you sir?" A female officer asks walking up to Y/n and his daughter.

"Yes, I have information on the missing person's case of Y/n L/n," Y/n says and the officer nods.

"I will get the chief immediately, please follow me," She says. Y/n nods and follows her to a back conference room. He sits down and places Kayo in his lap. After the officer leaves Kayo looks at her dad.

"Daddy, why did you say you were missing... you're right here," Kayo asks and Y/n laughs.

"You know how we don't see my parents?" Y/n asks and Kayo nods.

"Yeah because they kicked you out of the house," Kayo says and Y/n nods.

"They then reported me missing. Making everyone think I was taken," Y/n explains.

"Oh, they aren't nice for lying," Kayo says and Y/n chuckles.

"You are right, that's why we don't see them," Y/n says and Kayo nods.

"Hello, Sir, you said you had information on  Y/n  L/n," Ashton says and Y/n nods.

"Yes, he isn't missing... he never was. His parents kicked him out and then reported him missing for media attention," Y/n says.

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