justice won

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The courtroom is tense and filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The judge is seated at the bench, ready to begin the proceedings. The room is silent, save for the quiet murmurs of onlookers. Everyone is focused on the case at hand, knowing it has drawn significant attention due to the high-profile nature of the accused.

The accused, Ashwin, the MLA's son, is escorted into the courtroom and placed inside the defendant's cage. He stands there, dressed in a crisp shirt, his expression smug and unrepentant. Across the room, Bhuvi stands nervously in the witness box, her eyes downcast and her body trembling slightly. The weight of the situation is heavy on her, and her fear is palpable.

Vikram, seated with Bhuvi’s parents, watches closely, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and concern. He knows how difficult this moment is for Bhuvi, and his heart aches to see her so afraid. He glances over at the defense table, where the advocate who represents Ashwin is preparing to speak.

The advocate, the same man Vikram had crashed into earlier, rises with a confident air. He adjusts his black coat and approaches the judge with a slight bow, his expression calculated and composed.

Advocate (confidently):   Your Honor, I stand before you today to defend my client, Ashwin, who has been falsely accused of a heinous crime. I submit to this court that my client is innocent and has been wrongfully implicated in this case.

He turns briefly to glance at Ashwin, who smirks, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation. The advocate then looks back at the judge, continuing his argument.

Advocate : There is no substantial evidence that ties my client to the alleged incident. The claims against him are nothing more than baseless accusations, driven by ulterior motives.

Bhuvi, standing across from the advocate, begins to tremble more visibly. The words of the advocate shake her, and she feels the room closing in on her. Her heart races, and she struggles to hold back tears.

The judge, noticing Bhuvi’s distress, turns his attention to her. His voice is firm yet gentle, aiming to create an environment where she can speak freely.

Judge: Miss Bhuvi, please recount for the court what happened on the night of the incident. Take your time.

Bhuvi takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She knows this is the moment where she must find her strength. She looks up, her voice shaky but clear as she begins to speak.

Bhuvi : It was late at night, Your Honor. I was standing alone at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to go home. There was no one else around. Suddenly, a car pulled up in front of me. The man driving the car… it was Ashwin.

She glances at Ashwin, who stares back at her with cold indifference. The memory of that night is vivid in her mind, and it takes all her courage to continue.

Bhuvi: He rolled down the window and showed me a piece of paper. He asked me for directions to an address. I thought he was lost, so I tried to help. I leaned closer to look at the paper… and that’s when he grabbed me.

Her voice breaks slightly as she relives the trauma of that night.

Bhuvi : He pulled me into the car before I could scream for help. He… he kidnapped me, Your Honor. He drove off so fast, I couldn’t even think. I was so scared… I didn’t know what was going to happen to me.

The courtroom is silent as Bhuvi speaks, her words hanging heavily in the air. The judge listens intently, his expression serious and thoughtful.

The advocate, unfazed by Bhuvi’s testimony, steps forward to address the judge again.

Advocate :  Your Honor, while the young lady’s account is certainly emotional, we must remember that emotion is not evidence. My client maintains his innocence. There is no proof that he committed the act she describes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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