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We reach the hotel, and all 3 of us enter the golden elevator. It's awkward and everyone knows why, except Damion.

Damion gets dropped of onto the 10th floor, While we wait to reach the 17th. We stayed in awkward silence until we reach.

Once the elevator floor reach floor 17 we both tried to exit as the same time, but that landed us just getting bumped to get.

His touch against my skin felt cold. I take a step back to let him pass and he does too, but then he exits.

I walk behind him, going to my room. He enters the room, leaving the door open for me. I enter the room and head into the bathroom. Well obviously, I need to change, do skincare, and ugh REMOVE MAKEUP.

Specially mascara and unfortunately for me I used waterproof mascara, so this will be hectic.

After around 30 minutes-ish I finally get out of the bathroom, feeling cleaner than clean. Once I exit I suddenly see Mason sleeping on the floor. I blink multiple times making sure my vision is stable.

All that fighting and now he's on the floor?

I try to walk quietly towards him and he's sound asleep. Then I move towards the bed and as I remove the blanket I see a note lying on the bed. 

I grabbed the note and read it.

Madelyn don't think I'm pitying you, I would never have given you the bed but the floor is better for me, helps me build my back muscle. 


you're favorite person, 

Mason, hope you have a terrible night. 

I read the note, it looked like he pressed on the ink so hard. I quickly grabbed my journal and put the note in it. I went to sleep getting deja vu about everything, the fights, the airplane, our past, but sooner than later I fell asleep with this uneasy feeling. 


The next morning I wake up to blinds open, Mason gone, and the smell of fresh air. No wonder it feels amazing in here, that's cause Mason is not here. I take a look at my phone and realize I'm gonna be late to my family breakfast if I don't hurry up. I get out of my bed quickly and head to the bathroom. I take my sweet time with my skincare and shower, then I quickly rummage through my suitcase looking for a cute summer outfit.

With no time to waste I quickly grab a white tank top and the first skirt I see, which is a red flower long skirt. I take my white sandals and plop them on. 

Once my hair is finally dried I quickly put it into a French twist, which ends up being slightly messy. But it looks good, so it's fine. I grab a starfish necklace, top it of with earrings, and bangles and bracelets. 

I grab my phone and immediately head out of the hotel door and run to the elevator as I see it close, "No wait, stop!" 

I click the button a few times as the door shuts then I whisper to myself, "You know what maybe it was a sign from god that I shouldn't be in the same elevator as whoever you were."

Embarrassment reaches my face once I see the door open, and to my surprise it's the guy from the airport. 

"I am so sorry I didn't mean-," I start to apologize but he cuts me off.

"Don't worry about it it's fine, but you know I never got your name.."

"Oh right, Im Madelyn, and you?"

"Hayes," he says calmly.

"We should catch up more since our last time, since you know, so Im assuming your on floor 17."

"Yeah I am, only one room is taken on that floor anyways," I reply.

"But what about you? What were you even doing on my floor."

"Oh no I am actually on the 14th floor I just accidentally clicked on the 17th, but maybe we were meant to meet," He says with a smirk on his face, quoting the insult I had accidentally said to him earlier. My face goes red when I hear it, but luckily the elevator opens and I say a quick goodbye and head to breakfast. 

As I come here I can already see everyone sat down. 

"Im technically just in time since no one has ate yet," I say giving them a reassuring look, but my mom gives me a smug look. I sit in the 5 people table, the only chair left being across Mason. I take a photo of the restaurant we're at right now, it is giving a mix of cultural and summer vibes, but as Im taking my photos my phone almost slips out of my hand. 

I feel a kick towards my leg from under the table. I regain my posture and phone then look at the only person that could've done this, Mason. Well Damion does this too but he's not even sitting across me, plus that man is staring into that menu. 

I look at Mason, clearly being pissed off and he just smirks, which makes me more mad. Then he has the audacity to kick me again. Is he trying to break my leg or ruin my skirt. I strike back kicking back to him, but he doesn't show an ounce of emotion or reaction. Only thing I can see is his cold expression with that smug smirk on his face, which I would love to do. So I do. 

"Oh hey mom did you bring the diapers I requested," I ask my mother innocently. 

"Diapers, why on earth would you need diapers," my mom asks confused. 

I take a look at Mason who looks equally as confused, then I look back to my mother, "Well mom didn't you know that Mason is a bed wetter," I pretend to ask innocently. I try to hold my eye back as Masons smirk wipes off his face and his eyes and pupils go big, the brown hair sitting on his forehead look more like standing. 

Before my mom replies he jumps in, "What she means that she had some dream about her wetting the bed, and her delusional self implied it in real life, you know how coo coo Madelyn gets," He says formally and my mom just gives us both a weird look. 

"So no diapers needed right," my dad double checks.

"Yes Mr.Rodriguez," Mason quickly replies and gives me a cold look, which I look back with a smirk.

I clearly showed his ego. 

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