Old friends

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"On fire?" Andy asked "for how long?"
Jeff shrugged "a while I guess."
Liu frowned "mom and dad said you were on fire a good five minutes before the guys left."
I frowned and hugged Jeff.
"I'm so sorry" I whispered and leaned my head on his shoulder.
He patted my head and slipped his arm around my waist.
Liu sighed "and then the day he came home he snapped and tried to kill us all but didn't kill me."
Andy frowned "wow, that's so sad..."
EJ flopped onto the couch beside Andy "what are we talking about?" He asked.
Andy blushed "oh uh Jeff and Liu."
EJ leaned closer to Andy to where they were basically sitting on each others laps.
Liu glanced over and sighed.
I suddenly realized that he was the only one not touching someone.
I was about to shift away from Jeff when someone threw open the door.
There stood a girl with black pigtails and a blue dress.
"Lulu!" Liu exclaimed and jumped up and hugged the girl.
I noticed you couldn't see her eyes threw her long bangs.
The girl laughed "I miss you so much."
Liu smiled then turned to us "This is Lulu, she's the one with no eyes."
EJ shrugged "isn't that normal?"
Lulu blushed "that's what I told Liu but he thinks it's cool."
Jeff stood up and he pulled me up after him "Liu, we need to talk to you."
Jeff pulled me into our room with Liu on our heels.
"Is she moving in?" He asked Liu.
Liu shrugged "if slendy approves it then she will, why?"
"Do you like her?" Jeff suddenly asked.
Liu blushed and frowned "what!?"
I frowned "why did I have to come in here?" I asked.
Jeff sighed "you have to for a reason."
Liu sighed "look Jeff, I know what you want me to say but I don't like Lulu like that, you know who I like."
Jeff sighed then walked out.
I frowned at Liu "what just happened?"
Liu frowned "I-I can't tell you. I promised that I wouldn't."
I frowned and grabbed his hand "please Liu? Jeff means a lot to me and I would hate to see him unhappy."
Liu sighted then leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear the secret.

And I think we all know the secret lolz

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