Chapter 9-stay the night?

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Niall's POV

Maisy had been acting weird all night and then when she told me Em and Li kissed I couldn't believe it! This is the same girl that broke down in Li's arms just a few hours earlier right? What could Li of possibly done to get a kiss from her?

"Penny for your thoughts" Maisy said and I chuckled as she had repeated the words I said earlier. I just looked at her beautiful face for a while, I then started to think about how nice the kiss was that we shared in the janitors cupboard.

"I was just wondering what spell Li cast on Em to get her to kiss him. I mean Em hates us and just a few hours ago she broke down in Li's arms"

We were now in the car, she bit her lip, god she's so hot when she does that. She glanced at me and then turned on the radio, awkward it's our song little things.

"AHHH I LOVE THIS SONG" she shouted, obviously trying to distract me, and then she began to sing along...

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me but bear this in mind it was meant to be and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me.

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I'll love them endlessly.

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if I do it's you oh, it's you they add up to I'm in love with you

and all these little things.

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me.

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how much you weigh you still have to squeeze into your jeans but you're perfect to me.

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if it's true it's you, it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all these little things.

It was now time for my solo and I decided to sing it for her.

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to if I let you know I'm here for you maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh.

I sang it as passionately as I could looking at her all the way thorugh. (we were at a traffic light) I then let her carry on.

And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth cause it's you, oh, it's you, It's you they add up to and I'm in love with you and all these little things.

I joined in with the last chorus:

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if it's true it's you, It's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all your little things.

"One our voices sound amazing together and two Maisy your singing voice is so amazing!" She just blushed and looked at the floor.

"I'm no where near as good as you leprechaun, Liam once said that you eat so much because there is an angel inside of you and that's why you sing like one. I think he's tell the truth" I was shocked that she remembered that he said it years ago.

"You really are a true fangirl aren't you?" I winked at her, we had pulled up outside her house now. She got out and then turned back to speak.

"Thanks for erm meeting me, buying me dinner and then driving me home. Oh and thank you again for saving me, I'll never forget that" I just studied her face I could tell she wanted to say something else so I just waited.

Maisy's POV

I just wanted to ask him but I felt so awkward, what if he said no? Oh well if he says no it's not like I will just bump into him in the supermarket.

"Niall would you like to stay over?" He gaped at me then said "Sure" with that he hopped out the car "but I'm real tired so I no funny business yeah?" He announced I gasped and looked at the floor, I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

"I didn't mean that we would do that leprechaun" I mumbled he chuckled and said "I know I just wanted to see you blush it's so adorable" I whacked his arm and let us inside the house.

We went straight upstairs and into my bedroom and before I knew it he was standing in next to me, the Niall James Horan stood next to me in my own bedroom! I heard him chuckle and I followed his gaze...


"Nice posters and duvet covers" he smirked, crap, I stuck my tongue out at and him and grabbed some shorts and a baggy top and went into the bath room to change. I did my teeth and brushed my hair before putting it into a bun. I quickly changed and headed out the bathroom again.

My mouth dropped open as I saw him, topless with nothing but sweats on. HOLY FUCK

"Like what you see eh?" He winked and I giggled, wait I'm giggling again?! This boys messing with my head! I realised I still hadn't answered and I was still staring at his abs.

"Um yeah I guess it's average erm yeah I'm going to shut up now" I'm usually the queen of sass why was I so shy when I was with him? I climbed into bed and then he spoke.

"I'll be downstairs" I looked at him in confusion "erm why?" I asked. He looked straight into my eyes and said "Well that's where the couch is Maisy?" he chuckled. He started to walk away

I took another risk and yelled "LEPRECHAUN GET YO' ASS IN THIS BED RIGHT NOW AND CUDDLE ME!" ooo the sass queen was back.

He looked at me and said "I guess you're like Lou in more ways than I thought" he mumbled as he climbed into bed and slid his arms round me.

"Why's that leprechaun?" He chuckled and said "because at first you're quiet and shy but then you open up and become sassy and loud. Also you like stripes!" I laughed at this and then said "goodnight leprechaun" he repeated my words in a mocking way and then kissed my forehead.

This was the first night I had slept all the way through the night, no night mares.


A/N this is a cute chapter I think the sassy side coming out shows she's getting more confident and comfortable with Ni aw cute.


Twitter name: @BelieberMcfly

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