💙Fake dating|Hawks

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No LOV AU. Toya/Dabi is a student in high school like Y/n and Keigo. Strong language, insinuation of Y/n hurting themselves.

Written on- 09/17/2024~09/18/2024|Number of words- 1806

"Y/n you have to help me!" Hawks says running up to his best friend.

"With what?" Y/n asks quizzically.

"These confessions! They are coming every day! I can't stand it anymore, will you be my boyfriend?" Keigo asks causing Y/n to choke on the water he was drinking causing Toya to laugh.

"Shut up Toya! You want me to be your boyfriend?" Y/n asks confused.

"Kind of! My fake boyfriend! That way the  concessions stop and we can make your secret crush jealous!" Keigo says causing Toya to laugh louder.

"TOYA I SWEAR TO GOD, SHUT UP!" Y/n yells making said boy stop.

"Sorry," Toya says holding back a smile.

"As to answer your question, sure, I'll help," Y/n says causing Keigo to smile wide.

"Ah! Thank you! I love you Y/n, you are seriously the best!" Keigo says.

"Yeah no problem," Y/n says with a smile. Keigo hugs Y/n one more time before walking away.

"You are so screwed," Toya says,

"Ugh... I  know..." Y/n says as he watches his crush and now fake boyfriend walk away.

A week passed and much to Keigo's happiness the confessions stopped shortly after he publically asked Y/n out officially.

"I can't believe he's dating Y/n? Of all people, I would've expected Toya before Y/n," A girl is heard saying by the lockers.

"I know, Y/n isn't even that hot. Don't get me wrong he's cute in a little brother's way, but hot enough for the most wanted boy in the school? No way," The other girl says.

"Right!" The first girl agrees. Unbeknownst to the two gossipers a certain boy was on the other side of the wall hearing everything. A frown falls onto the boy's face as he holds back tears. He walks to the bathroom and enters a stall. He lets his tears fall as he holds back the sobs that try to escape. After five minutes he walks out of the bathroom and splashes water onto his face.

"If only I could tell him..." Y/n says to himself. He takes a deep breath and walks out of the bathroom and to his first class of the day. He sits in the back and hides the best he can. Lunch came around and Y/n not wanting to hear any more gossip decided to eat on the roof. He sits by the wall and picks at his bento.

"Hey, you okay?" Y/n hears. He looks up and sees his best friend.

"Hey, Toya... yeah I'm fine just hearing the gossip of the fact I'm not good enough for Keigo. I don't know what to do..." Y/n says and Toya sighs.

"You could tell him..." Toya says and Y/n shakes his head.

"No... I can't risk the rejection... I love him... and if doing this helps him I'll suck it up. He'll get over it soon and then we will be back to where we were," Y/n says.

"Yeah, you secretly wanting him and him being oblivious to it. Y/n, you can't put yourself through this torture..." Toya says trying to reason with the love-sick boy.

"This is the only way I can experience this... I'll be fine. Like  I said he'll find someone he likes and we will end this whole thing..." Y/n says with a frown.

"You can't keep hurting yourself like this but fine I'll stop... just know I am here when you need me," Toya says and Y/n nods.

"Yeah, I know... thank you, Toya," Y/n says. The other boy nods and smiles.

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