Tonys party pt.2

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It was after the party and we were all sitting together on the couch talking and having a good time, Thor walked over and set his massive hammer on the table.

"He who worthy shall have the power whatever man it's a trick" Clint said twirling a drumstick in his hand

"It's much more than that my friend" Thor laughed and handed Steve a flask

Then Tony stood up and I just knew he was going to make a scene "if I lift it do I get to rule Asgard?"

"Yes of course" Thor said sarcastically

"I will be firm but fairly cruel" he said putting his hand through the strap.

He started to pull but it wasn't budging "I'll be right back" he walks away and comes back with his iron man hand on

"Oh god" I said putting my head in my hands

"Be quiet Kat I got this just you watch" he said gripping the handle

He tried pulling again and again but it still wouldn't budge so he went and got the iron patriot.

"Are we even pulling?"

"Are you on my team?"

"Just represent, pull"

"Alright let's go"

They pulled and pulled and it still wouldn't budge, eventually Tony got annoyed and sat down. Then Steve got up to try

"Come on cap" Tony encouraged

Steve grabbed the handle and pulled as hard as he could and the hammer moved slightly, I looked over at Thor and his face was priceless. He looked so worried that Steve might actually move it then he burst out laughing.

Bruce pointed to nat to go up next but she refused "oh no no no that's not a questioned I need answered"

"What about you kat, let's see what you can do" Tony said

"I'm far to drunk to be a real competitor but I'll get back to you on that at a later date" I laughed

"Who shall ever carry thors fingerprint is I guess the literal translation" Tony said slightly annoyed

"You bet your ass" Clint said splaying Tony on the back

"Steve he said a bad language word" Maria joked

"Did you tell everyone about that" Steve asked Tony

"Yes, well that's a very interesting theory. I have a simpler one" Thor picked up the hammer and gave it a little flip "you're all not worthy"

we all laughed then this annoying loud ringing sound echoed out from somewhere. We all stood up to try and see what it was but this weird voice became audible.

One of Tony's bots was all torn up and walking towards us "how could you be worthy? You're all puppets, tangled in strings" it reached grabbed another bot and smashed its head with its fingers "strings."

Suddenly tons of Tony's beat up bots came flying at us Natasha hid behind the bar and soon after Bruce fled there to, Maria took cover and cap and Thor began attacking with their shield and hammer. I reach under my dress and grabbed the gun I had a strapped to my ankle in case a situation like this happened.

"Can't ever trust anybody can you?"  Steve scoffed

"I look at it as always being prepared" I said shooting at the bots.

"Cap!" Clint yelled throwing Steves shield

Steve jumped up in the air to catch it then turned around and hit a bot with it.

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