Chapter 2

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My first day of school had a lot for me to process. I met a bunch of people. The one person who stuck out to me was Aaron. I met him in the morning when I accidentally bumped into him. He asked me if I wanted to sit with him at lunch. Then when I sat down, I had heard a big crowd of laughter and he had red sauce all over him. My first day at my new school was a lot to process, but hopefully my second day would be better.

I stand corrected. It wasn't better. More and more people started talking to me. The bad part was that they were also laughing at me. I found this out when Alec started making fun of my accent in 2nd period. I thought he wanted to ask me out? I guess not. "You have an ugly voice and it would kill anyone that you talk to", He said. "So what if I have an accent. At least I have good grades compared to yours!" I can't believe I said that. I have never really been that type of girl who has comebacks and is rude to people. I decide to walk out the door and head to my third period. 

Later during lunch, I walk up to Alec and apologize for what I had said earlier. He said, "You think I couldn't handle what you said to me? 'Cause thats fine. I know that I don't have the best of grades, and i accept  myself and this world accepts me. So don't think that because I have bad grades that I'm the worst person ever and that your better than me." I didn't want to cause anymore trouble so I walked away. 

Later that day Alec tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey Alex, I'm sorry I went off on you like that." I took what he said and thought about it, "It's okay." He said, "Would you like to go to a movie or something with me sometime?" I can't believe its only the second day of school and I'm already being asked out! "Ya, I would love to! How about tomorrow? 2:00?" He said okay and then gave me his number. 

I practically ran home in excitement. I had to find something to wear! Most people probably wouldn't assume that I'm that type of girl that gets all excited about going on a date. But this is my first date. This is going to be special. I know it.  I picked out a nice blouse and flower skirt with flats. I assume that he will pick me up. Hopefully it will be a good movie. This should be worth my first date.

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