Meeting 1D

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Rosalie, or Rosey for short, is a gymnast, one of the best in her group. She isn't a big fan of 1D understatement...she has only heard of them once. But one day while she is practicing her standing back tuck, in the park, a bad landing brings her and the band of  1D closer.

Rosey's POV

I stood up on the beam.

"Come on Rosey, a front ariel just one you can do it!" My coach, Taisa, said to me.

I took in a deep breathe and did a front ariel almost falling, then steadying myself and landing with my arms up by my ears.

"Nice job Rosey, you can go now"


I smiled at her, jumped off the beam, and walked over to the changing rooms. I put on my sweats, tee-shirt, and sneakers over my leotard. I said bye to all my coaches and teammates and left.

The cold air outside stung against my face and i opened the gym doors and left. I started the 5 mile walk back to my house. I loved walking back to my house after practice because, the giant park on the way home is always so fun to practice in. 

     I neared the park and it was pretty much empty except for five teenage looking boys. I ran over to the open field of grass and did a tick-tok, which is basically and front walkover, back walkover,  front walkover, back walkover and so on. I stood and looked at the 5 boys. They were staring. I smirked and decided to give them something to stare at. I did a round-off, and then 9 back handsprings and a back flip landing a boss. They were staring at me and their jaws practically hitting the floor. I smirked to myself then decided to actually practice. I stood and did a back tuck. But when i landed my ankle bent out to the side and a loud sickening cracking noise was heard through out the park.

I fell to the ground screaming. It hurt so bad. I could see all 5 boys running over to me.

"Are you okay?" An adorable blonde asked with a cute irish accent.


"I'll take that as a no?" A boy wearing a stripped shirt with suspenders and short brown hair asked me.

I nodded as tears started to come.

"Guys i think she has a broken ankle." Said a boy with curly hair. He looked at my ankle being very gentle.

I started to ball my eyes out. A broken ankle meant i wouldn't be able to train for 6-8 weeks.

" We need to get her to the hospital"

Said a cute  brown  haired boy with short hair and a plaid shirt.

"Agreed" all 5 of them said at once.

Plaid shirt went to pick me up. But being stubborn as i am i pushed him away, and tried standing up on my own. As a gymnast i hated getting help and feeling helpless, i liked to do things on my own. Also i certainly didn't want help from 5 teenage matter how cute.

"I can do" i screamed in pain "it myself" i stood up on one foot and tried to walk but it hurt so bad i started to cry agAin and fell on top of the blonde one.

"Sorry" i muttered still crying and got off him

"You were saying?" The curly haired one said smirking abit.

"Fine. Please help me" i said.

As i said that plaid shirt picked me up bridal style and walked me over to a white van. I was still crying, it hurt so bad. The other 4 got in as well and someone up front started the car. They drove me to the hospital.

A Gymnasts Upside-down Life (Niall Horan fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now