Chapter 15

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Alex's P.O.V

With ICT being my second to last subject today, I knew I would be told what my punishment was going to be before the end of the day. Considering that all three of them have been constantly saying things about me for years and years, I find it hardly fair that I'm the one being punished. And just as I was debating what was going to happen in my mind, my ICT teacher approached me.

"When you come back, after the week off, you will be in Isolation for 3 days and litter picking at lunch for 3 days" Sir told me with a smug face before leaving me. Great, Isolation. Being stuck in a room by myself, forced to do extra work and homework while having to stay in the room during my lunch and break. I would tell Johnnie about it when it was right because, if I explained the whole story, he would know I was defending him and he would feel guilty even though it was entirely my fault.

Walking out into my last lesson, I texted Johnnie who's whereabouts were unknown.

Just got told off, may have an after school detention but I'll text about it later xxx - Alex

I popped the phone in my bag, making sure it was on silent, as I walked to my last subject which was PE.

I hated PE with a passion. I understand that you have to keep fit but to be constantly judged by how fast you can run and stuff like that made no sense to me. Why would we need that stuff in the future (other than if we wanted to be an athlete.) I think PE should be an option subject.

While now walking into the changing rooms, alone and with a sinking feeling in my heart, I walked into the toilet cubicle and locked the door. Then, and only then, would I get changed. I was so nervous about getting changed in front of everyone. They would see my scars, cuts and judge my weight. I wouldn't deserve myself as being fat but I wouldn't describe myself as being skinny either. Self-confidence was an issue but it would be if you looked like me.

After getting changed, and avoiding the painful cuts that littered my arms and legs, I threw my normal clothes in a bag and kept my PE kit to the side. I could hear people's conversations about what they were going to do this weekend and who said what as I walked out the door. I had on PE leggings, PE short sleeves top (but with a long sleeve black top underneath so it covered my arms - with thumb holes so I could stretch the t-shirt over the thumbs) and my hair up in one messy blue pony tail.

"Where's everyone else?" Miss Holmes asked, register and clipboard in hand. Miss Holmes had dark black hair and very tanned skin (because she was always in her PE kit which let the sun always touch her skin)

"Getting ready." I replied. I was usually the first one ready because I wanted to get PE over and done with and I didn't have anyone to talk to.

Eventually a flood of girls spread outside the PE block and on to the benches that occupied the area around the changing rooms - where I was sat awkwardly on the end.

"Alright class! No talking! Listen up!" Miss Holmes spoke. Miss' volume was always loud. Her talking was the volume of someone shouting but she didn't shout in an intimidating way but more of an encouraging way. All the girls looked forward whilst some still tying their hair back.

"Right. Register. Listen out for your names please" Miss told us before she grabbed her pencil and started shouting out names.

As Miss Holmes was ticking names, the boys class walked past. Of course all the girls turned their heads and blew kisses to their boyfriends (who they would have probably had sex with already within a day of getting with them) but when I saw Johnnie, I waved and smiled. Johnnie, trailing at the back of the boys class who were walking past us and onto the field, waved back with his arm full of wristbands. Guess he was more self-conscious then he makes out. I couldn't wait to be at home with him for our week off of school. I couldn't wait to be out of this school for good. Only a few more months. Only a few more months...

"Alex? Alex Dorame? Alex!" I heard Miss faintly say as I drifted back into reality.

"Err...yes miss" I replied to the register as people laughed. I looked down and listened to the teachers instructions.

*after school - walking home*

"Are you sure you're fine? You seemed upset earlier?" Johnnie asked me again and again and again and again.

"I'm fine. I was just tired. I'm still tired to be honest" I lied to him.

"Well, I want you to be happy so you better get some sleep" Johnnie instructed me as he stood in front of me and took both of me hands.

"I am happy" I smiled at him, letting my blue fringe fall in front of my eye.

"That's good. We've got a whole week off. Away from them and everyone so relax and enjoy. I've got some amazing surprises that you will love!" Johnnie nearly squealed with a huge grin across his face.

"Sounds fun! When I'm in there I'm going to go to sleep and chill for a bit, I'll be in a happier mood then. Let's face it, I do need a serious amount of beauty sleep!" I informed Johnnie.

"Are you kidding me?! You're the most stunning girl I've ever seen. Your personality is perfect and your face is perfect and your so much more prettier than the popular lot. You're just.....perfect!" Johnnie blurted out after he tried finding the words that best described me.

"You lie but thanks. I have no idea how I got you" I giggled with blushed cheeks. The wind now gently touched my cheeks as we were still stood in the forest that lead to our home.

"The feeling is 100000% mutual!" Johnnie joked back to me.

"We should start going" I started as I released one hand from his grip and started walking forwards until Johnnie pulled on my other hand - bringing me closer to him.

"I mean it, you're the most perfect and divine thing in the universe. You're the reason why I smile everyday. You're the reason why I look forward to each day. You have no idea how much I love you because no one's immense. I don't know wha I would do without you" Johnnie described to me while softly stroking one of my cheeks. I blushed from his compliments. How could he actually think that I was worth something?

"Aww, you're too sweet" I replied to him, putting my fringe in my face through a habit.

"Don't" Johnnie simply said.

"Do what?" I defensively asked

"Put your fringe in your face. You're gorgeous and you shouldn't hide it" Johnnie softly spoke through his velvet lips as they approached my own and met in great finality. We now stood, still in the woods, kissing as the whole world sped by and it was just us. Just us and no one else.
No troubles.
No Miranda, Lynn and Betty.
No everything.
Just us.

*arriving home*

After the much loved journey home, I unlocked the front door to our house - knowing that Bryan would be in the house but I didn't want to disturb him.

As I walked in, with Johnnie trailing behind, I closed the front door and looked at the sofa. Well, person on the sofa. He was eating a massive packet of crips and making a mess as he practically sat upside down on the sofa but, despite that, the biggest and most genuine smile spread across my face while memories of funny times with him flooded my brain.

"What took you guys sooooo long? Bryan said you were probably snogging in the woods" Kyle David Hall laughed.


Oooooohhh, another MDE member!!! #kohnnie! Sorry this chapter took forever but I'm useless! Hope you enjoy ~ Tiff xx


Thanks soooo much for the reads, comments and votes! I really appreciate it

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