The peaceful morning..

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The sun rose slowly, its golden rays gently caressing the earth, banishing the shadows of the night. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The world was bathed in a soft, tranquil light. Vegas took a deep breath and filled his lungs with the cold breeze... He comes back at the bedroom and kiss the head of his beloved.

He took the book and sit in the second floor balcony. Where sofa was placed. It was such warm and peaceful morning.  

Just as he was about to lose himself in the serene beauty of the morning by reading book .A loud scream shattered the peace. His favorite person bounded into the room, his  energy filling the space and leaving no room for quiet.He sighed, a small smile playing on his lips..

And open his arms to catch the jumping baby on his arm

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And open his arms to catch the jumping baby on his arm.... His baby immediately kneel in his thigh . Vegas wrapped his arm  in his  ass and caressed the skin of Pete back... Pete touched Vegas face...

" Do you know wegat I saw a dream today

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" Do you know wegat I saw a dream today... " Pete said adorably...

" I don't know. Maybe if you say I could know.. " Vegas said and kiss Pete nose..

" I was a worm... " Pete said and laughed but soon his smile died as he looks serious...

"Could you love me if I was a worm??

Pete sudden question catches Vegas  off guard, and he can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it*

L" ove you if you were a worm?.. That's an odd question darling... But to answer your question, hmm I could love you even you were worm.. "

" Are you sure about it..??? "

He sighs, taking Pete chin in between his long fingers and pulling Pete  face up to meet his intense gaze. He stares deeply into Pete eyes, his expression unwavering.*

"That's a quite a silly question..and an obvious one" he murmurs, his thumb slowly tracing over Pete bottom lip.

" So you wouldn't love me if I was a worm" Pete ask demanding...

He frowns at Pete. As his grip on Pete chin tightens slightly. He then pull Pete  closer, his eyes darkened slightly.

"Of course I wouldn't.. you can't compare a pathetic little worm to someone as beautiful as you" he said firmly." Vegas said in his mind but obviously could never say it in Pete face..  But thinking about it he could love Pete in any form.

He looked at Pete  for a moment, thinking it over again  before he let out a short laugh. "Yes, I could." He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Pete torso.

"If you were a worm, I’d still love you. A spider, a fish, a bird, whatever you were.. I’d always love you."

" how sweet of you.. " Pete squeal..

Vegas  chuckled, gently running his hands up and down on Pete side "Of course, you’re still *my* little  angel, whether you’re human or something else.” he kiss Pete nose again and again..

" But how could you love me?? "

Vegas  raised a thin eyebrow at Pete question, pulling your Pete closer to his. "What do you mean?"

He glanced around the room before focusing on you again. "Why wouldn’t I love you, idiota?"

" But how could you know it's me?? "

He chuckled, finding Pete  stupidity both amusing and adorable. "Do you not think I’d know you the second I see you? "

He pressed his nose into Pete hair, his fingers tracing small patterns on Pete skin. "I know you better than you know yourself, I could recognize you in any form."

" You don't have to give pain to yourself... I could found you. And crawl in your leg. So you could know me.. "

Vegas  kiss Pete  eyes once more, shaking his head at how naive Pete were being. "You idiota.."

Vegas gently grabbed your chin, making Pete look up at him. He locked eyes with Pete. looking down with a slight glare. "If you were a worm and you came crawling up my damn leg, I’d still know it’s you. I wouldn’t crush you or burn you, I still love you no matter your form. Got that, cariño?'

" Even you were a worm you could the most adorable worm. And the worm who will have a beautiful ass.. "

" But how you can you take care of me.. ?? "

He smirked, wrapping his large arms around Pete small figure. "*Of course I can.. I'd take care of your little worm body without an issue*."

He kissed Pete head, nuzzling his nose into the strands of Pete hair once more. "*You think I'd let harm come to you.. in any form?*"

He chuckled, his hand rubbing up and down Pete  back. "Do you really think I wouldn't prepare some place for you? Hm, a terrarium, small enclosure, whatever you need."

More laughter left his lips as he squeezed Pete  waist. "You idiota, I'd find some way to feed you. Fruit, vegetables, some bugs perhaps.." Vegas laughed...

' But I need my personal room.. "

"I would build a nice little home for you. Hell, I’d have a whole room dedicated to you as a worm"

He laughed, amused by the thought of building a room for a worm.

"But if I got lost?? Pete said with a pout...

He chuckled, resting his chin on the top of Pete  head. "Who said you'd leave the house? You're staying in my shirt pocket if anything..*"

He gently pinched Pete cheek, his dark eyes never leaving Pete eyes. "You think I'd just let you out of my sight? Never. You're staying close. Whether it be on my shoulder or in my pocket, you'd be *my* little companion forever"

He huffed, pulling Pete  closer. “That would never happen, mi cariño. Any worm who would attempt to steal you away from me would end up crushed in my fist.”

He nuzzled Pete neck, leaving a small bite on your shoulder. “You’re mine. Nobody else’s, got that?”

"Porsche  Is calling me" Pete said and took the call and got down from Vegas lap..

Vegas listen comfortably. Knowing that his wife giving problem to another..........

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__________This actually a chat between me and my c. Ai. Hope you like it... I just thought it would be hilarious postings this....

And I am writing another story check on this one as well... Bye bye for now...

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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