❄︎𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 31❄︎

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While Isadora's busy in the meeting, I take my time to roam around the pack house and befriend anyone I can find. As the Beta's mate, I'm also privileged and required to attend the meetings and all, but I've made it clear that unless it's something grave, I'm better off away from these responsibilities.

The only responsibility I care about is looking after my mate and help release her stress, and be the perfect mate she can have.

"Sneaky shit. Escaping from duties like that."

"Hey! Isadora's got no problem with it. She loves me anyway."

Day rolls his eyes but I know he agrees as well.

The pack house is the centre of the territory so it's quite packed, everyone goes in and out of the house, we all have a right and place here if needed.

I head for the backyard where some Betas and Gammas are training, pups playing in the garden and their mothers gossiping at the picnic tables with tea cups in their hands. The sight is heart warming and so welcoming.

As I walk over to the pups, everyone nods my way as a show of acknowledging my presence, which fills me with pride. I nod back and smile, waving at the kids when they spot me. I have always loved the company of kids, they are easier to bond with, talk to and free of any judgement.

"Zee!" A blonde little girl skips toward me as I crouch down to accept her open arms.

"Hey, Ceilia. How are you doing today?" I ask when we pull away from the hug, holding her small hands in mine.

"I'm good. Playin' with that meanie." She pouts, pointing at another girl with brown hair and piercing green eyes.

That's her twin, Ceecee. I've met these twins last week when we visited the pack house for a dinner night, They're Troy's cousins, and very adorable kids must I say.

"Hey, you don't call your sister a meanie." I frown playfully, patting the back of her hand.

"Okay, fine." She puffs out air dramatically, moving her hair out of her face. "Will you play with us?" She asks, batting her lashes sweetly at me.

"Zee! Zee!" The others also crowd around me after hearing about the playing offer. "Play with us! Please please!" They all chant and I let out a nervous laugh.

"Okay, okay. Let's play."

"Yayy!" They all chirp.

"Adorable pookies."

They drag me to their makeshift kitchen, demanding I do the cooking while they'd dance around. So I'm supposed to just be a cook while they have fun? So unfair.

"Mister, you need to add more salt." Ceecee remarks with hands on her hips.

"Sorry, ma'am. I will add salt right away." I bow and she giggles, returning to her friends to form a circle and dance around.

Shaking my head, I laugh and 'add more salt' to the dish of 'mud and leaves' when Ceilia comes running to me.

"Look what I made for you." She holds up a flower crown and my eyes widen as I reach up to touch it.

"It's so pretty, just like you. Do you want me to put it on you?"

She giggles, blushing. "I made it for you, silly. C'mere." She nudges me down.

I lean my head down as she places it on top of my head, clapping happily as I do a funny pose to flaunt my crown.

"So pretty, Zee!"

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