Chapter 11

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Stiles's POV

Walking back down the stairs with Derek in tow, I'm ready for the day, dressed in my usual solid colored shirt and matching plaid over shirt, with some jeans and converse sneakers.

I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, signaling a text from Scott.

Outside man.

Entering the kitchen I find my Dad to tell him I'm leaving. "Scott's here, Dad. I'll text you when I'm on my way home."

"Alright. Have fun! We'll see you later!"

I turn to Derek and give him a peck on the cheek. "Bye Sourwolf. Catcha when the moon is full."

Grinning at my joke, Derek shakes his head, giving my cheek a peck as well.

"Alright, Snowman. Catcha when the snow falls." Derek lets out a short laugh.

Beaming with energy, I laugh at Derek's response and head out, almost skipping down the steps to Scott's bike.

"We taking two wheel danger road or four wheel danger road?"

Scott laughs, setting his helmet on his bikes' handlebars. "If you feel like driving, we can take the Jeep. Unless you want to hold onto my waist the entire ride."

"At least buy me dinner first McCall, damn."

Laughing, I take a step towards my Jeep, jangling my keys. "Come on, we'll take mine. Need to fill her up anyway."

Igniting the engine, the Jeep starts up with no problem, making leaving my house a breeze.

"I just need to stop at the gas station before we head to the mall, OK?"

Scott nods. "Yeah that's totally fine man, I still need to actually think of what I need to get."

"You still don't know? I thought you've already come up with something?"

"No, I've been blanking ever since I talked to you about it."

"That was like 2 weeks ago."

"I know." Scott shakes his head, a concerned look passing over his features.

Looking over at him as I park the Jeep to get gas, I give him a quick pat on the shoulder, opening the car door. "I wouldn't worry about it. Whatever you get her, she'll love. It'll be from the person she loves and isn't that all that matters? I wouldn't sweat it Scott."

He nods in response as I close the door, standing to pump gas and fill the tank.

Re-entering the now full gas tank Jeep, Scott looks at me, his face beaming.

"Scott? Everything ok? You seem to be overly excited. I mean I know I'm good looking, but damn again at least take me out for dinner before making the moves on Stiles."

He laughs, almost snorting at my response. "Everything is fine, and I'm not trying to make the moves on you, Stiles, you're already taken anyway, and I came up with the best present to get Allison!"

I almost ignore it, but I can't help but laugh at his joke. I start the engine and smoothly pull out from the gas station, heading towards the highway to the mall.

"So what is it?"

Scott breaks out into a grin, looking so proud of himself. "I'm gonna get her a silver bracelet."

I give him a weird look as I watch the road for other drivers. "A silver bracelet? But aren't you not able to touch silver without wolfing out? And why would you ever-"

"I wasn't finished! The bracelet will be wrapped so it won't be a problem, I'll just keep it in the store's packaging. But I'm going to engrave it on the outside of it with "Because I love you" with an outline of a heart."

"Aww, Scotttt that's so cuteeeeee." I hold over my heart with one hand, the other on the wheel.

"Isn't it? I thought it would be perfect because even after she found out I was a wolf, she still said those words."

"I think I'm gonna die of cuteness. I'm trying to drive here!"

Scott laughs as I pull off the highway, taking the right exit for the mall, now just only a few moments away.

"Alright hotshot. Now that you came up with something for Allison, help me figure out something for Derek, I'm completely stumped."

He silently thinks for the rest of the car ride to our destination, as do I.

What will I get him?

Is there anything he wants?

He's always saying how he doesn't need much, but it's Christmas and I really want to surprise him with something nice.

Thinking about Scott's idea, I rack my brain to think the same path Scott's did.

As we pull into the parking lot of the mall, the perfect idea for a gift for Derek comes to me, making me grin.

I'll Always Know It's From You (A Sterek Novella)Where stories live. Discover now