Chapter 15: A crush?

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A crush? Dean Winchester has a crush on you. Dean was smiling at your school picture. I mean Dean Winchester is handsome, funny, brave, courageous, sexy. You name it. Girls loved his deep voice or his green eyes or his biceps. You thought Dean was the "bad boy" who didn't give a fuck if he hurt someone. He was always with a girl, either a hook up or dated the girl for like a day or a week.

(Note: your still talking in the British accent, but later you'll be speaking normal again, not say which chapter, just wait and see (; )
You: So dean, tell me more about this y/n.

Dean: Where can I even begin? Her eyes are this beautiful (your eye colour) that sparkle. Her hair is long and is this beautiful (your hair colour) that reflects in the sunlight. She's smart, funny, brave, loyal, and beautiful. I've had a crush on her since we were kids. She came to my mom's funeral and she hugged me. I wished my mom was alive so she could of met y/n.

You: How did your mother die Dean?

Dean: A fire. My dad was pretty heartbroken, he started drinking and it got bad. He then went to rehab for Sam and I.

You: Wow, most people wouldn't go.

Dean: Did it happen to you?

Your thought: way to go blabber mouth!

You: uhh well, my brother Robert was a drinker and drug user. It was heartbreaking for the family. He and I were close when we were young, but then he started hanging with the wrong crowd.

Dean: What kind of drug did he use?

You: anything he could his hands on. He stole money from my parents and I so he could buy some cocaine. But it was heartbreaking because he was my best friend and I was watching him destroy his life.

Dean: So what did your family do?

You: We told the police about Robert's stash, so the police came and Robert yelled at us and he said really hurtful things.

Dean: What did he say?

Your thought: think of something! Come on Y/n think!

Dean: Eliza?

You: Robert said I was a horrible sister and that I should of minded my own business and called me a liar and basically told me to go fuck myself.

Dean: I'm sorry to hear.

You: It's okay, Robert went to rehab and he's been clean for almost 2 years now.

Dean: Wow.

Your thought: thank god. Next time, I should keep my mouth covered.

Dean: How come you never told anyone about your brother?

You: Because I didn't want people to know.

Dean: Oh.

You: It's a family thing really.

Dean: I understand.

Dean then saw books.

Dean: Y/n, reads thought kinds of books.

You: Oh really?

Dean: Yeah, she is always reading them. She's a bookworm and it's adorable.

Dean had no idea, that was admitting his feelings to you. You kept quiet, you didn't want the secret to be blown.

Dean: Well I should probably go, maybe we could hang out sometime Eliza, just you and I?

You: Sure Dean, but you try anything I'll hurt you.

You and Dean laugh and Dean leaves. He then walks toward the elevator.

Dean's POV: Man, Eliza is so funny, she's almost like Y/n. Am I falling for Eliza? Crap, now I like two girls, but who I do love more? Wait love?

Cruel Trick (BadBoy!Dean x nerd! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now