Movie Night

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I couldn't believe what happened, it was such an amazing thing Naru did. He saved me, once again, but this time...he gave me hope for a better future. I mean, after losing my family, having no one else to look for, he told me he loved me.

 I smiled at the thought,"Thank you Naru." I whispered softly. I looked over as he drove, his eyes concentrating on the rode ahead of us. I looked down as he had one hand on the gear shift. I hesitated for a second before placing my hand on his, he looked over shocked, only to smile softly and look back.

"Where are we going?" I asked curious. 

"Your house. I thought since it was closer and everyone knows where you live, then it'd be a good place to go. Plus...I like your house, it feels comfortable." He said warmly. I smiled and looked out the window to see Munk and John in the front seat of the car behind us, Ayako and Masako were in the other car.

It took us about 30 minutes to get to my house, all of us parking out front, some having to park on the street corner,"Hey Mai." Naru said looking over to me as he parked. I faced him with a smile and said,"Yeah."

"Would you mind if I...stayed her with you, tonight?" He asked cautiously. I felt my face grow pink as I shook my head,"No, I-I don't mind." He smiled and got out of the car, waiting on me before walking to the house. 

Once we got inside, we all sat down on the couch,"Well, since today is our day off, we might as well do something fun." Munk joked. I nodded and so did the others,"How about a movie?" I asked. Everyone cheered and said,"Yeah!" that is, except for Naru, he's not one for cheering.

I got up and walked over to where I kept my movies on a shelf,"Horror, romance, comedy, or action?" I asked looking back at them. Munk and John yelled out,"Action! No! Horror!" then looked at each other, only to laugh.

Ayako and Masako huffed and said,"Comedy." They started laughing and so did I until everything went silent at who talked next,"Why not a romance movie?" We all turned to Naru with shock,"Am I hearing you right? You wanna watch a romance movie Naru?" Munk joked. 

Naru nodded and said,"Yes. I think it would be nice to watch something different for once." I felt my face flush as I nodded,"Romance it is then." I put in a movie and sat next to Naru, holding myself as I watched the movie start.

After a while, Masako and Ayako cuddled up next to each other with tears and tissues. John and Munk were sniffling, trying to keep themselves together, and I was just sitting there. I wanted to be closer to Naru, but I was scared. I didn't know how he would react, or what he would say. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them, watching the movie as tears fell from the sad, heart breaking scene.

 "Mai?" Naru whispered concerned. I looked over and jumped back slightly at how close he was  to my face. He chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side,"You don't have to cry. It's only a movie." He whispered.

I felt my heart catch in my throat as I nodded, tears falling faster. I felt him rub my shoulder soothingly as I looked up at him, my eyes full of wonder,"What would he do...i-if I kissed him?" I thought to myself. I moved up closer and placed my lips on his, his eyes slowly closing as he kissed back, holding me by my waist.

I pulled away slowly and looked back with a smile. I leaned my head on his shoulder and continued to watch the movie, his breathing calming me down. The slight rise and fall of his chest, and the loud but soft bounding of his heart. I felt at home. I felt at peace. I felt...loved.

  I slowly began to drift asleep, the moving getting close to the end. I've seen it a thousand times, so it won't matter if I fall asleep will it? Plus my eye was killing me, where that guy punched me. I rested my head on his side and fell asleep, smiling at the thought of being this close to Naru.


I looked down when I felt Mai's body go limp. I stroked her hair softly, a small smile creeping on my lips. Once I looked back up, everyone was staring at me,"What?" I asked in a hushed voice, not to wake her up.

"You really do love her...huh?" Ayako smiled. I looked down, her peaceful, heart warming smile putting me at ease,"Yeah...I do." I whispered.

Masako looked away and back to the movie while everyone else gave me a thumbs up or a smile of congratulations. When the movie was over, they all left, and it was just me and Mai. I didn't want to wake her by getting up, so I placed her head on my lap and laid back, feeling myself fall asleep too. 

Just as I was about to fall asleep, Mai said something,"I never wanna be alone...ever again." I looked down and stroked her face,"You won't ever have to be." She let out a small smile and wrapped her arms around my waist, burying her face in my stomach.

That night, I stayed awake, even though I was tired. I felt like if I fell asleep, I would wake up and she'd be gone. I felt like, if I had closed my eyes for a split second, she would disappear and I would never be able to hold her again. So I stayed awake, held her close, and thought back to the times were I was too afraid to confess my feelings and just left her alone.

I leaned back and waited, waiting for the sun to rise. I looked over and saw the clock said 5:28. I looked down as Mai began to stir. She sat up looked me in the eyes,"N-naru?" She asked sleepily. I nodded and said,"Yeah, it's morning Mai.

She looked over to the window and nodded with a hum,"Can I get a good morning kiss?" She asked, her eyes still half closed. I felt my heart sped up as I leaned forward, placing my hand on the back of her neck and pulling her close.

I felt our lips connect as we kissed softly. She smiled in the kiss, only to pull away and said,"Good morning Naru. I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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