Distress Calls

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(Underneath Ninjago City in the Serpentine Library, Lloyd and Garmadon are searching for the Serpentine. Lloyd reaches for a book, but a rat pops out of it, startling him.)

Garmadon: We came all this way looking for the Serpentine to help battle the Overlord, and there is literally no sign of them. I believe this is what's called a "total bust."

Lloyd: Oh, thanks for rubbing it in.

Garmadon: The good news is, they would've only gotten in the way. We're better off without them.

Lloyd: We need allies! We can't do this alone!

Garmadon: That's the human part of you talking. If you would embrace your Oni side, you would discover your full strength. (He powers up his hand.)

Lloyd: My humanity is not weak! And relying on allies and having friends and having compassion for others, doesn't make you weak!

Garmadon: (He diactivates his power.) Having what now?

Lloyd: It means caring! Of course you don't know what it means. You're incapable of compassion.

Garmadon: I know what caring means. And I am not incapable of it! I am learning how to have ... "complassion."

Lloyd: Compassion. (He turns away and writes on a chalkboard.) And that's ridiculous. You can't learn how to care. You either care, or you don't.

Garmadon: Are you sure?

Lloyd: You're an Oni! The Oni are incapable of caring. All they do is destroy. So is it any wonder I don't want to embrace my Oni side? (He leaves a message on the blackboard.) Let's go. I left a message for the Serpentine, but at this rate, I doubt anyone will ever— (Suddenly he hears a crash.) Wait. Did you hear that? Maybe someone's still here. Come on!

(Lloyd runs off. Garmadon leaves his plant Christophern on a table before following him.)

(Meanwhile above ground at the harbor, three Vengestone Warriors sink a boat with their spears. Behind them Jay and Nya are inside a truck.)

Jay: Remind me, does Vengestone sink or float? (Nya places a brick on the accelerator.) Let's do an experiment to find out! 

(They drive the truck and leap out just before the truck drives off the pier into the water taking the guards with it.) 

Jay: Finally! Now, send the signal, and— (He sees Nya staring at her hands.) What's wrong?

Nya: I don't know if I can do this. My powers are barely there, Jay.

Jay: I believe in you.

Nya: You're just saying that because you're my Yin.

Jay: I'm saying it because it's true! I've seen you do amazing, impossible things. I've seen you ride whales, and fight dragons, and command the sea! You can do this.

(Nya smiles, then leaps onto a crate floating in the water. She places her hands in the sea and attempts to make contact. Two fish swim up to her before swimming away quickly.)

Jay: Did it work?

Nya: I don't know. I hope so.

(Meanwhile in another part of the city, Coral is driving by herself towards her tea shop to get the Traveler's Tea. As she drives, she has another flashback.) 

(In the flashback, Coral and her mom, Amethyst are inside their house exactly one year after Axel passed away. Inside the house, Coral puts a box full of her stuff up on top of a kitchen counter. Amethyst sees this.) 

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