An Issue of Trust

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(In Ninjago City at the newspaper warehouse, Nelson searches for Master Wu.)

Nelson: Master Wu! Master Wu!

Wu: Yes? What is it?

Nelson: It's the ninja! They're back! And they have, um ... you-know-who with them!

(They head outside and meet up with all the ninja and some allies.)

Wu: Nya. Lloyd.

Lloyd: Master Wu!

Wu: It's good to see all of you.

Lloyd: You too, Master.

Nya: I just wish we had better news.

Jay: Yeah. Doesn't look like we can count on any help.

Coral: Not entirely true. I picked up a lot of people. (She shows them her group.) 

Izzy: (On P.I.X.A.L.'s shoulder.) Mayor Trustable, Judge Toughbutt, Cecil Putnam and others? Seriously? Don't those people hate us? 

Coral: Hey, they had a change of heart. They were a bigger help then you would think. 

Wu: Coral is correct. We also have many other allies. (He points inside to Killow, Ultra Violet, Captain Soto, Ronin, and Fugi-Dove.) 

Lloyd: Ronin?

Coral: Killow? Ultra Violet?

Jay: Fugi-Dove? Oh no! No!

Kai: Captain Soto too? 

Wu: It's a long story. Come inside. I have something to show you. (Once inside he shows them Quanish's scroll.) This is the final prophecy of Quanish the Elder.

Garmadon: Quanish? Quanish was a fool.

Wu: Hopefully not entirely, for he prophesied that one day, the defenders of Ninjago would achieve a higher form of Elemental Energy. Something he called "Dragon Form," which they would use in the final conflict against evil.

Jay: Dragon Form sounds cool.

Wu: And once the defenders would achieve Dragon Form, they would combine their powers to create a being known as the Master of Balance. A prophesied being that would have the power to decide the fate of all Ninjago.

(Everyone perks up at hearing that.) 

Jay: That sounds even cooler! 

Garmadon: Did Quanish say how this "Dragon Form" is achieved?

Wu: Unfortunately, no.

Garmadon: Hmph. Typical Quanish. Leave out the most important part.

Wu: But these images offer clues. The first shows someone leaping upwards. The second, kicking backwards. Then turning, and rotating quickly.

Kai: Lemme get this straight. To assume Dragon Form, we have to jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin?

(A little while later, the paperkids make seats to watch. Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Lloyd attempt to Dragon Form by doing the moves but fail and fall on the hard floor. They try again but fail and land hardly on the floor again. Garmadon looks at Wu and shakes his head.)

Jay: Anyone feel ... "dragon-y"?

(Meanwhile atop the Crystal Island, the Overlord gathers his council except for Harumi and Mister F.)

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⏰ Last updated: 5 hours ago ⏰

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