Are You Feeling Well?: Male!Robin x Sick!Reader

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This was requested from the TacticianMagician. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!
"ACHOO!"you sneezed for almost the tenth time now. You grabbed a tissue from your pocket and blew your nose.

"(Y/N), I don't think you could train today. You've been sneezing like crazy," Robin said.

"I'm not sick I just have a littl- ACHOO!ACHOO!ACHOO!"you sneezed even for. You grabbed another tissue and blew your nose.

"Yeah just a 'little' cold," he said, chuckling.

"I'm serious it is. Plus I need to train more I haven't been training very often and I would like to get back up on my feet." Out of no where, Robin picked you up, slung you over his shoulders and started walking the opposite direction of the training room. "Robin! Where are we- ACHOO! going?!"you questioned trying to get him to let you go.

"My room," he said. "As I said your too sick to train, so I'll take the day off from training today and heal you."

"Wow Robin you make it sound like I'm gonna die or something," you said, still on his shoulders. He just ignored you and brought you up to his room and threw you on his bed.

"Owww!" you said rubbing the back of your head. "You should be more careful on where you throw people."

"Sorry (Y/N), let me just find that medici- Aha! Here it is!" Robin exclaimed. "Here take this, it's sure to make you feel better in no time." You drank a little bit of medicine, but that just made it worse.

"ACHOO!ACHOO!ACHOO!ACHOO! Robin I thought- ACHOO! this was gonna- ACHOO! make it better! ACHOO!" you tried to say, grabbing a bunch of tissues.

"Oh great, I just made it worse," Robin complained,face palming his forehead. "Try to go to sleep (Y/N), we'll see if that works."And with that you fell asleep.

~~~1 hour later~~~
You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. You turned around to see Robin sleeping peacefully. "He looks so cute," you whispered.

"Thanks," he whispered back.


"Don't worry (Y/N), cause I think your cute also," he said still having his eyes closed.He then leanes in and kissed your lips, you kissing him back.He leaned back to see you smiling.

"Robin,you really shouldn't have done that. Im gonna end up getting you sick."

"Whatever I bet its just gonna be a little col- ACHOO!" he began sneezing. "Can I borrow one of your tissues?"

"And you said it was just gonna be a 'little' cold,"you said while handing him a tissue.

"Thanks," he said as you nodded and he blew his nose. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you burried your face into his chest as you both sleeped peacefully together.
Lucina: Omg this is so cute!! *squeals*
Arley: I know right!
Lucina: After reading this chapter, I think I'm getting a col- ACHOO!
Arley: Here we go again...anyways bye stay awesome!!
Lucina: Bye gu- ACHOO!

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