Chapter 4: A Royal Named Fall

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Blood's Prov-

You know what? My sister acts like a bitch to me every day. When she first brought that Wolfy, I was pissed. I want to be the only one in her life. I want her to think only of me. I want her love only me. But no. She has her friends, our mother, her boyfriend, this wolf to think about. To love! She's more cold to me than her enemy! I was always there for her. I was the one she came to when she cried. Mom or Dad never was. I never told her problems to anyone. For fucking sake, I was fucking there for her no matter fucking what and she fucking treats me like she fucking hates me! I haven't done a fucking thing. All I did was be a little mean. That's it. Unless, she's still sensitive. (Don't you dare ask why.)

Well, I was walking to school. Carmel walked with me since her boyfriend is cheating on her and leaves her to walk be herself. I told her I'll walk with her and she's like, "Okay. I don't care." So now, it's like dead silence. We are like literally at the school and I'm the one breaking the silence. "......So? Why so quiet?" She gives a look is surprised. "Oh, um... I... I want to be quiet. Got a problem with that?" "You're lying. What's wrong?" "Nothing." She mumbles that word. I pinned her in a corner and made her look at me. "What's. Wrong?" She looks away in a hateful manner. So she does hate me, huh? Wow.

"I... am... suspicious of you. You're... turning into... one of the Popular bullies... You've... been bullying everyone that's in my life. I don't like it." "I'm sorry." I take a few steps away from her to give her space. I don't want her to hate me, but I want her all to myself. "I didn't mean to make you angry with me. Is there a way for you to forgive me?" "You can at least forgive everyone." "At least? What's the 'At most'?" "That is something I have to think of." "Oh."

She walked off and I followed until I got to the gate. I went to my friends and heard them talking. "Ey, you know what?" That was my friend, Tongue. He likes to stick his tongue out at people. He has light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wears a lot of royal clothes. Hint: Royal clothes. Know what he is? A fucking royal. My sister hates him especially. Because he's a royal and makes fun of her friends.

"What? Your face? Or is it Blood?" That was Smiley. He's a "peasant" like me and my sister. He has blonde hair and... what's the color of eyes that change when you wear something? Awe well. He wears clothes that shows he is a trouble-maker. A Trouble-maker Popular. She also doesn't like him. The reason why is that he tries to kiss her. He hasn't learned his lesson when she punched, smacked and kicked him.

"Nah, it's snot 'em. It's his sista. She seems to be distancin' herself from 'em. Wonder why?" He looked concerned. That's at least good. I just hope he won't get too interested in her.

"We'll ask him. I know he'll tell us." Smi gave a huge smile. Ton gave a disappointed look. Just so you know, that's their nicknames. Real nicknames.

I walked over to them and Ton smiled. "Ey. What's wrong with ya sista? She okay?" I sighed. They always want to know what's wrong with my life. My sister. My mother. And once they heard about that Wolfy guy, they all wanted to know more about him. (Smiles ever so happily.)

"Yeah. We gettin' along. Just got to apologize to her friends is all. He-he." I did that hand-in-hair-smile thing.

"Why? I mean, she's so not even the type to apologize to. She's a slut and she uses people. It's obvious she has no respect to life."

That peppy stupid annoying girl voice. Don't we all know someone like this? In this case, it's a girl I know that wants me. She is the slut. She uses people. She has no respect in life. She lies to everyone! She says she doesn't. Ha! Oh that is so HI. LAR. I. OUS.

Her name is Stacy Fox. A fox that's a slut? You wouldn't have never guessed it. I mean, she's the only fox that's a slut. That I know of. Her older brother...... Carmel, I'm sure, will say something about him later on. I'm not sure.... Let's not talk about him. Anyways, she has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"She's my goddamn fucking sister. Talk about her again like that, I'll kill you." I put on my headphones and start listening to music. Just so you know, I had my MP3 player playing that entire time. I'm listening to Whispers In The Dark by Skillet. Good song. Really good. In my perspective.

Ring! "Time to get to class! Tardiness is not an exception!"

I walk to class and go inside. I look up in sink with Carmel. Looks like we have a new student. Time to bond with Carmel on this one.

Carmel's Prov-

Great. A new student. I heard we were getting one soon. Problem is: It's a guy. A Trouble-maker. How do I know? The teacher told us. I was hoping it would be a girl! Damn it! Now I have to share the seat next to me again! That seat is my favorite! The one I'm in isn't.

We all sat down and the teacher told The Guy to sit next to me. "Please sit next to the girl in the far left corner over there. Her name is Carmel." The Guy looked at the teacher, sighed, went over to the seat, and sat down. "Everyone, this is Fallen Angel's son, Fall. He's a Pure Royal. Treat him nicely." He gave me a pointed look.

Well, Fall, seen the pointed look and looked straight at me. I glared, he smirked slightly, and the teacher went on with the agenda today. I swear to the Cat God, he looks drop-dead sexy. I won't say this out. I don't say my "lovey-dovey" feelings. It's not how I roll. It'll "ruin" my "ego".

Fall had pitch black hair that's looks sleek, silky, and soft. His eyes were a awesome blood red. His clothes were, of course, royal. The color of his shirt was a turquoise. Nothing on it other than words that says Fear me. I am a creator. I will recreate you in what I want. His pants are a green color. This is how you know, in our Dimension, what a Royal wears. They wear bright ass clothes or really dark ones.

I'm going to keep saying shit because the teachers agendas are bor-ing. School sucks ass. When it comes to other peoples' perspectives, they might agree with me or might not. "Depends on the person."

Anyways, Royal Fallen Angels wear in between. Dark Royals, of course, wear dark clothes. Good Royals wear bright ass clothes. I, I have to compare, wear dark clothes. Not a royal. I just like dark clothes. No judgey judge.

The school day went by quickly than I thought. I went to all my classes, went to lunch(Blah! Nasty lunch!), finished the rest, started to walk home with me brother. We were bonding and a certain Royal interrupted. Can you guess who it is? I'll give you a count of three. 1... 2... 3... Got it? If you guessed Fall, you're right. If you guessed someone totally different, you're wrong.

"Hey! You guys want a ride home?" Fall looked at both of us. His expression is curiosity. Mine was an angry one. Blood's was a surprise one. Wow! So nice to see curiosity again...... Not!

"Nah. We live like a mile or two away. No biggie. Why you ask, New Kid?" I call everyone that. After a week, I'll start calling them by their names. It's how I am. Blood calls everyone their name or makes up a name for them.

He looked irritated. "Don't. Don't call me a new kid. My name is Fall. You know that, Shorty. I only asked because-" Hold right there. He called me Shorty. No one. I mean, NO ONE calls me Shorty. You'll understand soon enough.

"I know. I call new kids' their names after a week. And don't you ever. Ever. Call me Shorty again." My scythe was out. Pointed straight at his heart. He had a look of fear. Not shear terror, but close enough.

"Alright. I won't call you that. How 'bout Car?" He gave a sign of surrender. I glared.

"That's a nickname only people close to me can call. Other than that, everyone else calls me my name, Carmel." I know looked dead serious. My crush on him evaporated when he made fun of a friend of mine and when I seen his true personality.

"Okay." He turned around and walked to his limo. He stopped right in front of his door that was open. "We're friends, Carmel. Remember that. Your attitude to me is rare. And I will break it." At that, he went inside his limo and it drove off.

We walked home, my scythe turned to look like a phone, and my mom making us a snack. Wolfy came inside after a few hours looking like he just had sex and ran off to get home for snacks. He looked at both of us seen our faces and asked, "What happened? Something bad happen at school?"

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