Bucky's Haircut

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Rewritten: June 8th, 2021

Originally requested by:secretavenger02

Bucky's hair had gotten longer than what he was comfortable with. Staring at himself in the mirror, he ran his fingers through the strands. He had decided that it was time to get it cut. And who else would be better for the job then his old friend Steve. Sighing, Bucky left his bathroom within the Avengers base.

After a few moments of walking, Bucky arrived in the entertainment room. This was where most of the Avengers would meet. And to his surprise, Storm was there. Storm was a short woman with black hair and purple eyes. Currently she was curled up on the couch reading a book. Bucky didn't catch the title of it before the woman closed it and turned to face him.

"Hey Buck, you ok?" Storm said, raising her eyebrow to question the man.

Bucky shook his head slightly to pull himself from his daze. He cleared his throat and replied "Yes, I'm fine. Storm, have you seen Steve?"

Steve had a slight tendency to disappear when his friends needed him. He was either always training or just not on base. Storm hummed while thinking. She remembered Steve had mentioned something about wanting to get in some extra training that day.

"Aha! He's in the training room!" Storm replied, pleased with herself and her response she returned to her book after giving Bucky a slight wave as he exited the room.

Exiting the room, Bucky ventured across the base to the training room to request the help of his friend to tame his hair before it drove him crazy. I mean, the poor guy had to blow dry his hair. That wasn't ok with him.

As Bucky approached the training room, the doors slid open to reveal none other then his best friend Steve. What a shocker am I right? Steve was in the middle of an intense training routine when Bucky approached.

Bucky gave a slight wave to which Steve replied to with a smile. He put down his gear and walked over to Bucky.

"Hey Bucky, what's up?" Steve said, still wearing his signature smile.

"I was hoping that if you weren't too busy you could give me a haircut? I'd really appreciate it." Bucky replied.

Steve nodded and Bucky led him back to his bathroom. Bucky had already got the scissors and clippers. Basically everything Steve would need in order to cut his hair. It was just a matter of getting Steve to actually cut his hair.

Steve pulled Bucky's desk chair into the bathroom and lightly patted the seat to which Bucky sat down. Steve wasn't really sure how he was going to do this. Cutting hair wasn't really something he did often and considering this was his best friend he really didn't want to mess anything up.

Taking a deep breath, Steve picked up the scissors and got to work. A snip here, a clip there. One after another Steve was cutting off pieces of Bucky's long overgrown hair. How did it even get this long? I thought Bucky trimmed it? Steve thought to himself.

30 Minutes Later

After what felt like hours but was really only half an hour, Bucky's hair was back to to a tamable length. Not short short but not extremely long. He'd be able to manage it better then before.

"Thanks Steve, I really appreciate it." Bucky said, helping his friend finish cleaning up the mess of hair on the bathroom floor.

The two left the bathroom after placing the desk chair back in it's rightful spot. Steve headed back towards the training room and Bucky headed back to the entertainment room.

Now there were two people there. Storm and none other then the infamous Deadpool. And gods was that man irritating. The two were playing Mario Kart. 

Bucky's entrance caught Storm's attention and she turned to greet him. When she saw him, she grinned. "You look great Bucky!" Storm said, her voice soft and sweet.

Deadpool was focused on the game but hearing his girlfriend's compliment he just had to pick on the guy. Turning his attention from the game he looked at Bucky and forced hysterical laughter.

Deadpool went tumbling off the couch, taking Storm with him. The raven haired woman giggled slightly and shook her head.

"What's so funny? Is it that bad?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow and bringing his hands to play with the ends of his hair.

"Your hair looks weird short like that! I was just getting used to the long hippie hair!" Deadpool replied snorting a little.

Bucky scoffed a little and left the room. Deadpool's opinion didn't matter, as long as Bucky was happy with his hair.

After Bucky left the room, Storm thumped Deadpool on his forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?" Deadpool asked.

"For upsetting Bucky, be a bit nicer and maybe I won't have to treat you like a dog, love." Storm replied before getting off the floor.

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