When he asks you out- kai

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Its been a few weeks since you saw kai at the dojo. And you started to realize how.... Well.... Cute.... He was.... You thought a lot about him after you met him in the dojo, but you didnt know how to ask to hang out. Your best friend knew something was on your mind, and she told you to take the plunge.

"Come on, y/n, you should totally text him."
"But b/f/n," you argued, "he probably has other important things to do. Hes a ninja, he probably has to go save the world, you know." thats when your phone vibrated in your pocket. You took it out, and saw there was a new text from kai. "Who is it?" b/f/n asked you. "Kai..." you whispered, checking the message. It said:

Hey y/n, do you mind meeting me up at f/r (favorite resturant)? 7 sound ok 2u?

Hey ya thats sounds great see you then!;D

You looked at the clock on your phone. 3:54. You had about 3 hours to get ready. You put your phone back and looked back up at your friend. "Can you get me ready for a date in about 3 hours?" b/f/n grinned from ear to ear and pulled you down the sidewalk.


When 7:00 came, b/f/n made you look amazing. You came in a beautiful crimson dress and your h/c hair was let down and curled. When you got to the resturant, you saw kai in a burgundy tux with a deep red bow tie. His mouth gaped when he saw you and stuttered "y-y/n..... You look.... Amazing...." you felt your face get warm in embarrassment. "Aww... Thanks..." he held out his hand and you took it, walking into the restraunt.

...... After dinner, you noticed how nervous kai had became. This got you nervous as well, and you finally had the courage to ask him what was up. "Kai... Somethings wrong. What is it?"

"What? No... Everythings cool. Im completley chill."
You shook your head in dissaproval. "No kai, somethings wrong. I can tell."
"No youre wrong! Its cool, really y/n!"
"Kai... You can tell me anything."
Thats when he looked down, then back up at you. "Well... I wanted to know... Will you be my girlfriend?" you felt your heart skip a beat in happiness and squealed "yes of course kai!" you two walked out of the resturant, holding hands. When you two got to your house, you pecked his cheek, and whispered "thanks kai. I love you."

"I love you too." you smiled as you went in your house, face still red from that night.

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