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Diana's POV

I guess I have to pack up since we are leave tomorrow for the tour.

"Nee any help baby?" Jack's voice comes from the kitchen.

"Yes please." I plead. I'm to large right now to do much.

I pulled the luggage I had hiding in the closet. I feel a pair of hands grab the handle in where I was holding the luggage. He placed the luggage in my bed and looked over at me.

"Your wish are my command." He stands there legs shoulder apart and hands on hips with a grin. I smiled at his quirkiness.

I told him where to get everything, and he packed it all neatly. Once we were both packed, we went to Walmart to buy some movies to watch.

The rest of the day was just watching movies and cuddling in bed. Just feeling good to be in each other's arms before our privacy won't be available at all during the tour.


Jack POV

Today is the first day of tour.

August 11th, 2014 x Washington D.C.

3:28 am

"Come on baby. Is that everything?" I walk towards the hallway in front of the apartment door.

"Yea. I think. If not oh well." She walked hand in her back to support herself.

I had previously already packed our bags in my truck to not be so rushed this morning.

We were meeting at the office to get everyone together and recapping the schedule for today.

The employees there helped place everything in the limo in which we were riding to the airport.

And then the ReCap session started.


Flight 168 - Flight to Washington D.C. Boarding.

"Baby." I reach out my right arm to hold her arm. She was sleeping on my left shoulder.

She rose her head and looked over at me.

"Our flight is boarding." I reach out to grab her arm to help her up. She was holding on to my whole arm and cuddling into it. My baby is just so cute.

We got on the plane and sat in our seats. After a good thirty minutes, no one sat in the other seat available, so we just stretched out a little and held each other. Back to sleep we were. Hopefully one of the lads wake us up when the plane lands. I know Harry, Liam and Louis are right behind us, and Niall, Zayn and Johnson are next to us. We should be good.


Off to Soundcheck.

"Baby do you just want to wait in the hotel? I'll go get you before the show starts." I offered. She looked exhausted.

"Yea. I need to lay in a bed for a while." She rubs her stomach.

"Okay baby. Let me tell the driver to take you to the hotel. Also let me tell Erica to go with you." He closes the door after he pecks my lips. "I love you." He whispers.

I call Erica to come to this car. I explain everything to her and off she was with my baby girl and our baby.

A security guard guided me to where the whole crew was already setting up. This is so interesting to learn. All the technical stuff. This is fun!

Jack and I went through all our songs smoothly making us less nervous of this first huge tour. Stadiums. We are playing stadiums. Thats going to be thousands of people listening to our music. This is insane. We are definitely nervous yet excited.

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