Chapter 3

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After agreeing to each other's terms, Draco tells Clara, "Take my arm, muggle."

"I have a name. It's Clara... Clara Hale."

Not even noticing what she said, he says again, "Take my arm."

"Now why would I do that?"

Draco looks at her with a very annoyed expression, "Just trust me."

Being very hesitant, Clara eventually grabs his arm, and just after she does, she feels like she has just gotten sucked through time, feeling all her insides moving around at a rapid rate, and seeing colors zoom past her vision.

After a few seconds, Clara hits hard ground and falls because of the impact. She looks at Draco and sees that he's fine and landed perfectly on his feet.

Without looking her way, he says, "Get up. Let's go."

Pulling herself up, she asks, "Where are we?"

"My house. Most people know it as Malfoy Manor."

Following his lead, she looks up at Malfoy Manor. It's a huge estate, completely isolated, and four stories high. Looks very old-fashioned, compared to the houses she's used to. Seems to be over 100 years old. Judging by that, Clara guesses that it has been in Draco's family for years, and is passed down through generations.

Draco turns to her, "So, at this moment, my parents are not home, and won't be for a couple of months, but I still need you to be careful. We can't risk you being seen."

Clara starts to feel worried, "What... what if I am seen? What would happen?"

"Well," Draco starts. "The Ministry of Magic, the organization I told you about, would be contacted, and they would for sure take away your memory, but that won't work, which is why you are here."

"What all are you going to do to fix this problem?"

"Well, I need to know if that's the only thing that doesn't work on you. So I'm going to test out other spells on you."

Clara's anger shows as she says, "Hey, I'm not some lab rat."

Draco gives her a care-free expression.

They reach the steps into Malfoy Manor, and he opens the door. As soon as they walk inside, Clara wears a surprised look. The entry way is huge, and everything inside the home looks clean, compared to her home. Doesn't even look like anyone lives in it.

"Your cloak, sir."

Clara turns her head, and screams as she abruptly backs into the wall. "What the hell are you?"

"I'm sorry, miss. My name is Ninsy, miss. I am a house elf."

"A house... a house elf? What's that?"

"I am a house elf, miss. I clean, cook, and wash clothes, miss."

Draco hands Ninsy his cloak and says out of annoyance, "Follow me."

Not understanding fully what he just said, Clara follows him up the stairs. They pass what seems like a hundred doors, but eventually reach their destination.

Entering the room, and judging by the look of it, Clara asks, "Is this your room?"

"Yes. Got a problem with that?"

"No... no, I don't. I was just wondering."

Draco sets down his things, and starts walking out the door, "Your room is down here."

Clara stops and says with confusion in her voice, "Wait, I'm sleeping here?"

Looking irritated, Draco says, "I told you I can't let you out of my sight. So yes, you're sleeping here."

She nods and follows him a couple of doors down to a room with a bed, dresser, desk, and a bathroom.

"Thank you."

"Whatever. We'll need to get your clothes at some point today."

Clara freaks out, and almost yells, "No! No. I... I can't go back there. I refuse."

Draco looks at her and begins to say something, but she continues, "Don't ask questions, please. I just can't go back there. Ever."

Clara sees Draco's eyes show sadness for a split second, but they quickly go back to his usual, cold stare.

"Very well. I can have Ninsy fetch you some new clothes."

"No, that's okay."

"I insist."

Clara is shocked by his claim, but is very grateful, "Thank you."

Draco makes his way towards the door, "I'll let you stay in here for a while. Ninsy will bring up some tea for you, along with dinner. We can start testing spells tomorrow."

Before she can say anything back, he walks out and closes the door.

Clara looks around the room.

Letting out a sigh, she sits down on the bed and starts to think of what tomorrow will bring.

There's no backing out now.

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