Chapter 26

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[A/N] Hope you like it!

Harry didn't come to sleep in their room that day and Louis was worried about him, he thought he did something wrong, maybe Harry was angry at him? He even left that morning without saying goodbye...

Louis feels sad... He spent all day taking care of their babies and he cleaned the house, cooking, but Harry didn't come.

He called him multiple times but Harry never answered, not even when he tried to communicate through their bond he didn't respond.

Louis feels like crying, his babies are sad too, missing their father.

That night Louis found himself sad and cold, cuddling his babies close, their bed seems bigger and colder than ever...

The next morning after crying when he woke up with no sight of Harry, he feed the babies and cooked breakfast then tried to talk to Marcel and Edward but he couldn't find them in their room.

He tried to go to Harry's office but the guards wouldn't let him pass. He tried to tell them that he's Harry's mate, that Harry will be mad at them for not letting him go inside, but they told him that Harry himself asked not to let Louis inside.

When Louis heard that he felt his eyes fill with tears, he goes back to their room and cries, hugging his sad babies "Don't worry mommy's gonna take care of you, I'm gonna protect you" he whispered kissing them.

Days passed and Harry didn't come back... Louis tried to comunicate with him but Harry wouldn't answer his phone, he even blocked their bond communication.

He saw Harry's one day when the office door was open, and tried to get in to talk to him, but a guard stopped him, dragging him out of the room with force, as he cried and begged for Harry to do something. But he never did.

He gave up when one day he heard Harry, Marcel and Edward yelling at each other, Harry saying 'it was all his fault, he only got us problems, don't you see it Marcel?! He's cursed! Not even his parents want him! I should have never mated him and let alone have pups with him! They are gonna be just like him! I'm sure that was his plan, seducing me, he planed it all already, such a slut he is, a bitch, disgusting, I don't even know how could I love such a ---" and the conversation went on, but Louis felt too week to listen to it anymore, he feels like his heart has been ripped from his chest, he run to his babies, crying and sobbing. He never felt so unhappy, so humiliated, so disguised by himself.

The next morning when he woke up he convinced himself that it was all a dream, a nightmare, that Harry loves him and he will come back to him and their babies, that it was simply a misunderstanding, bu as days passed, his faith quickly fades.

Three weeks later Louis found himself crying in front of a empty fridge, he was hungry and sad and his babies were crying, their need their nappy changed but they didn't have any fresh nappies, so Louis will have to go and buy some.

"Seems like we have to go out my babies..." Louis sadly said, then dressed his babies and himself, because it was raining outside and put them in the stroller, then went to the garage to beg someone to drive them to Tesco, but the guard refused, even pushed Louis in a wall.

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