Watchu Talkin' 'Bout Willis

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I slowly blinked my eyes open as the sun peeked through the curtains in my hotel room. I looked at the clock once my eyes gained focus, and saw it was 7:15. Dang it! I missed my workout.  Oh well, one day couldn't hurt. Besides we had a rest day, so we didn't play today. I rolled over and I was greeted with light hazel eyes and a crooked smile. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?!?!" I screamed.

"Shh, chill out Emily. It's just me." Kam sighed. I'm scared to ask how this happened. "Nothing happened last night." I let out a breath. I looked down and saw I was only in a men's t-shirt and my..panties. Awe man. I closed my eyes and lifted the sheet to find Kam in sweats.

"Why am I only in my underwear Kameron David?!" I hissed using his full-first-name and middle name.

"Calm down. It's not because of me." he rolled his eyes

"Then what happened last night?" I asked hesitantly

"We were all swimming and having fun, but you had to much caffeine, had a sugar rush, and crashed." he explained. See, I don't drink soda a lot because of volleyball and basketball. But when I do, I drink A LOT of it. Therefore, it caused a sugar rush. 

"That doesn't explain why I'm in my underwear and a men's t-shirt." I glared at him. Even though I know Kam is one of my best friends and would never do anything of the sort like that with me, I know he would with another girl. That makes me a tad worried.

"After you crashed, Marcus, Cj, and I brought you up here. You would not believe how many weird looks we got from people on the way up." he laughed. "Anyway, we weren't gonna let you sleep in your wet swimsuit, so Cj let us borrow his shirt, and Marcus didn't know what to do about your bottoms, so uh.." he coughed.

"Did he undress me?!?!" I screeched.

"Guess you'll have to ask him yourself." he shrugged.

"Speak of the devil." I shot daggers at Marcus as he walked in with some coffee.

"You didn't." If looks could kill, Marcus would be so dead right now.

I jumped out of bed as lunged at Marcus. "Why?! Marcus I swear to God you better have a good explanation for this!" I yelled in his face. By now we were on the floor with me straddling his torso.

"What the hell did I just walk in to?" Cj asked as he walked in carrying his own coffee.

"Emily found about what Marcus did." Kam stated. Cj's mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"Get off me and I'll tell you!" Marcus bargained

"NO! Not until you tell me." I spoke

"Ugh fine. Okay I know you would be uncomfortable sleeping in your wet bottoms, so I took them off" I cut him off after that. "WHATCHU TALKIN ABOUT WILLIS?!" I gawked at him at this new information. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I found a pair of your panties," By now the rest of the guys had gotten back to my room, so they all sniggered at this. "And put them on. For your information, I did NOT look." he explained. I believed him. He's much better than that. Definitely a true gentleman.

"Oh, okay. You're free." I said nonchalantly

"What that's it?" Cj asked

"No punishment?" Kam asked in disbelief with wide eyes 

"Nah, it's happened plenty of times before. So I'm not mad." I said. "Wait, where's Kiley?" I asked looking around the room noticing we were the only three in here.

"In Derek's room.' Cj stated

I smirked. Well then Kiley, you have some MAJOR explaining to do. The three of us walked out of the room down to Derek's room. I didn't know how long the guys would be staying here, but that's not the issue right now. I slowly opened the door seeing it was unlocked. I peeked in and saw them cuddling together, fully clothed. Thank goodness.

"Okay see you guys later I'm gonna go get dressed." I stated walking away

"Um, okay bye. By the way I want my shirt back later!" Cj called after me

I gave him a thumbs up as I walked away. No doubt they were staring at my ass. But they were too much like brothers to think of me like that. As I was walking back, I realized I was wandering around the hotel in an too-big t-shirt and my underwear.  Dandy.

As I reached my hotel room and got inside, I hopped in the shower eager to get the feeling of chlorine chemicals off my body.

I stepped out of the shower to find all the guys laying around the room. I rolled my eyes as they were half asleep looking their phones. As soon as they heard the door open they all looked up.

"Wow Emily, you can put some clothes on or you could tell us how you really feel" KB suggested. I looked down at my attire seeing that I was wrapped in a towel. Probably not the best choice, but I didn't know they were going to be in here still!

"Please choose the latter" CJ spoke. I shook my head walking over to my suitcase, and back into the bathroom to change.

I stepped out, fully dressed this time. And there they were still laying in the same positions as earlier.

"Why didn't you guy leave?" I asked as I sat on the bed next to Alex.

"Well we were, but Marcus said he was going to stay here so we all stayed with him." Kam said explaining the situation

"Marcus why did you- oh never mind okay got it" I said realizing his reasoning half way through my sentence. They all nodded, but no one said a word about it. "Well you guys are free to leave" I said releasing them like a prison guard. "Except you Marcus you're staying here we need to talk" he nodded knowing what was coming while the other guys filed out knowing what was coming as well.

I walked over to where Marcus sat on Kiley's bed. I sat next to him at the edge and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Marcus please stop worrying about me. I'm not going to do anything stupid. I've learned. It's almost been two years."

"You said that a little over two years ago and look where that put you!" he spoke raising voice a little.

"I'm not a baby Marcus! You don't need to babysit me!" I screamed at him

"You say the same thing every damn time Emily! And the one time you said it, you almost died! So don't act like it's not possible because it is!" He screamed back. I hated this. I hated it so much. Every time I got on him about this we ended up in the yelling match. And I always ended up crying. Partially from just being yelled at. But Marcus has bad anger issues. And this topic and yelling really triggers it.

I started to back away from him so he could calm down. But it didn't work. He snapped. He charged at me as I backed myself to a wall. Whenever this part happens he calms himself down. He's never hit me or touched me. Except when he calms himself down he does the unexpected. He starts crying.

I mean there's nothing normal about a 6'6 220 pound football/basketball player leaning on you and crying. But for Marcus and I it's completely normal. I look up and see the guys standing in the doorway.

"How much did you hear and or see?" I asked already knowing the answer

"We came in when we heard the screaming" Nick said

"You know we always come in when that starts. And you know why." Kam spoke. He's right. I know why they do. They're just so scared Marcus won't calm himself down once when he and I are arguing and he'll touch me. But I know he won't. But they don't seem to grasp that. I understand why they don't. Last year, during one of their games a ref made a bad call on him and the other team's player. Marcus sacked the guy so hard it sent him to the hospital. The other guy is okay now though. But then it makes me think, if Marcus can do that do a guy the same size as him in gear, what can he do to me. Instead of worrying about that now, I just sat there and let him cry. This time I needed to be there for him.

A/N: Oh my gosh I'm so horrible. You've probably given up by now. I definitely abandoned this story once the school year started. I've had homework, practice, games, etc. But volleyball has finally ended so I will have much more free time. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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