Twenty-One || Who Was Kyla Valero?

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Desmond's POV (Kyla's Brother)

My sister, she was my everything. She was everything I had. She was everything I ever feared of losing. My mother, my father; they didn't mean nearly as much to me as Kyla did. I loved that kid.

I loved everything about her; I loved the way she would put her hair back and whistle a tune while going on and on to me about the Jedi, and how amazing they were. I loved the way we teased each other, about the stupidest little things.

I loved her. I really did. She was my sister, my only sibling, my everything.

Since she turned to the Dark Side, my life on Tatooine has taken a turn for the worst. With every slave owner dead and no father to look after me, I had to take matters into my own hands, which was rather... difficult. I was mature, sure. But I never thought it would come to this.

I lived and thrived on my own in that little hut, listening to the silence of every night I encountered since Kyla became the very thing she swore to destroy.

I miss her. I miss my sister.

I want to see her again; to knock some sense into her. I want to hold her shoulders, shake her vigorously back and forth, yelling at her to just see who's she's become. Or, what she's become. Sometimes, I wonder if my father would've done the same thing. Now knowing the truth about him, I think he would've praised her for becoming the most powerful Sith in the galaxy. He almost became one himself, which really set Kyla off.

When Kyla freaked out all those months ago, slaughtering everything in her path, I knew she was damned. She didn't have to let herself, but then again, maybe she didn't have a choice. Maybe she was so lost for what to do, where to turn...

Just like I am now.

Tatooine is dark, and it gets kind of cold at night. Occasionally, to get used to the silence and emptiness that once was full of Kyla's bubbly personality, I go and sit in her room, on her bed. Her voice swirls around me, all the little sweet things she once said to me, filling every crevice in my mind until she completely surrounds me, in my very soul. My baby sister, tormenting me.

Des, I'm gonna miss you and dad so much.

I'll be back, Des. I promise I'll be back for you and dad.

It's so beautiful... Des, where'd you find this?

Suddenly, I remembered something that I knew I was forgetting until now: the locket. The heart-shaped silver locket I gave her, one side a picture of me and her as kids, the other my mother and father on Tatooine, before my mother died. That locket was beautiful, just as she pointed it out to be. I remember everything about giving it to her the day she left to begin Jedi training...

I wondered if she still had it. I could imagine in her fury and lust for power, she must've destroyed it somehow, someway. Any way she could manage.

But maybe, just maybe, she still had it.

Maybe, she still holds it in her hand, her thumb brushing over the shiny silver, wondering how she ended up in this situation.

I hope I get my Kyla Valero back.

Narrator's POV

"I'm sorry, I have to," insists Anakin Skywalker, as his wife pleads for him desperately not to go.

"You'll get yourself killed, Anakin, you can't go!" Padmé tugged at her husband's dark tunic as he turns from her, walking off the veranda to his Starfighter he recently repaired. He planned on heading to Darth Demetrious' cruiser... to talk to Kyla.

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