Chapter 18

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Megan's P.O.V

I woke up and jumped into Luke's bunk to wake him up. I did. We had breakfast and went into the living room and I opened up my laptop and started looking at plane times.

"what you doing?" He asked shuffling closer

"I'm looking at plane times for Mike" I said getting exited

"have you even called him to tell him about what's going on?" he looked at me then back at the computer screen.

"Shit, no I haven't, ill go do that now" I said picking up my phone and running out the room. I punched the numbers into the phone and waited, and waited and waited, no answer. So I rang again, still no answer so I left a message saying Mike its me Megan please pick up its really important, I then rang again this time he answered straight away.

"Mike! omg im so happy you answered, what took you so long?" I asked sitting on the kitchen side.

"mum wont let me answer the phone she is scared It will be the bank wanting the money back that she owes" he said sighing.

"were are you?" I asked

"in my room, mum is asleep down stairs"

"how is she" I asked a part of me not really caring.

"she is worse, since you left she has become more ill and she wont go and see the doctor and her drinking had become worse, I haven't eaten in 4 days and im scared Megan" he said sniffling

"she was suppose to get counselling I told them the come 3 times a week"

"they did, but she wouldn't let them in" he said crying now, I felt to bad I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hug him and tell him everything was going to be ok, but I couldn't, I left him, I left my 14 year old brother with my alcoholic druggie of a mum, IM SO STUPID!

"im so sorry Mike I had no idea I wish I never left" I said trying so hard not to cry.

"no im glad you did, you got away, I have nothing else now" he said breaking down.

"look Mike, I ran you for a really good reason"

"what?" he replied

"the band, you know them?"

"yes iv followed them all on twitter and ig and fb just to check up on how your doing" he said with a little more happiness in his voice.

"well they have bought a bigger tour bus and they all know about mum and you, and they said you can come with us! you can travel with us Mike! get away from mum and everything, start a fresh I did and it was the best thing I ever did" I racially shouted down the phone "Mike you still there?"

"your not joking with me?" he said

"no im been serious Mike"

"omg" he said crying even more "thanks you Megan tell the others I said thank you I cant believe it this is amazing, when?" he said with so much joy in his voice, it made me happy.

"soon as you can!" I squealed.

"i cant" his voice dropping.

"what do you mean, why cant you?"

"i cant leave mum, not like this"

"yes Mike yes you can Luke had arranged a rehab for her they are coming tomorrow" I announced.

"what? that's amazing! I love you so much" he said excitement back in his voice again.

"pack your stuff, right now get everything you need, you passport is in the cupboard closest to the door on the third shelf behind the photos, I needed to keep it safe for you" I said

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