Chapter 5

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Tori's POV
*2 weeks later*
   "Tori, mom said get ready for school." Matt said. "Yeah yeah, get out." I mumbled. He closed the door. I got out of bed slowly and took a shower.
I blow dried/combed the knots out of my hair and did my makeup, I put foundation, mascara, and my eyeliner on then I got dressed. I wore my 'GEEK' shirt with my high waisted jeans and my high top converse.

     I went downstairs to get breakfast. "Good Morning." Mom said to me and Matt. "Good Morning." We replied. "Mom, can Zoey come over today?" I asked. "Sure." She said. "Thanks mom, love you!" I said putting my bowl in the sink. "Love you too." She said. "Come on Matt." I said. "Alright I'm coming." He said grabbing his backpack. "Have a good day you too!" Mom said before I closed the door.
     "Hey." I said walking to my locker. "Hey." Zoey said. "So, did your mom say you could come over?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. "Awesome, you can meet my annoying but loving brother, Matthew." I said. We both laughed. "Since we both got here early I'm gonna go to the library, wanna come?" She asked. "No thanks, but I'll meet up with you later." "Okay bye!" She said. "Bye!" I replied, and with that, she left.

   A few minutes later, Nash and Cameron showed up with their 'group'. Great. "I-" but he cut me off. The next think I knew his fist was connected to my face. Every week it just gets worst. I fell to the ground and he kicked me. "Die, no one loves you" he spat. "whore" Cameron said. After they left I got up and went to the bathroom. I started to cry. We only had 10 more minutes until class started so I cleaned myself up, i notice my eye was turning purple, but I didn't really care. I walked out the bathroom and went to class.

    I kept my head down half of the day. No one seemed to notice my eye and I'd like to keep it that way. I didn't want people giving me funny looks or asking me questions on how I got it. I like to handle things myself sometimes.

   We had history so the day was almost over. I'm glad is because my eye hurts like a bitch and my neck is starting to hurt from keeping it down for so long. I hate history, it's really boring and we don't really do anything. The only part I love about is that it's my last period.

   "Okay class, we will be having a class project." Mr. Smith said. Great. (Note my sarcasm). "I will be Assigning your groups because, when you pick your partners, you don't get the work done." I didn't really listen to the others, I just wanted to hear who I'll be with. "Victoria, you'll be with Cameron." My eyes widened. I turned to him and he and Nash and a smirk on their faces. I turned back around and sighed. "Nash, you'll be with Austin." Mr. Smith said. Austin is another jock that hangs out with Nash, so there's no telling that they'll even do the project. "The project starts tomorrow and it'll be due in a month." Mr. Smith said as the bell rang. I tried to make my way through the crowd which I did. I was almost at Matt's car because I know he waiting for me In the car. "Hey, Tori!" He yelled. It was Cameron. Great. "I turned around and he was already in my face with Nash beside him. "I'll be at your place right after school." He said. Good thing he didn't touch me. Then, I lost my luck. Nash pushed me down on the ground and kicked me in my stomach and sides. "Bye whore" Nash said in my ear. They walked away I stood up, and when I did, my sides and my stomach felt really sore. I walked to the car slowly.

   When I opened the door, Matt was sitting there. "Where the hell have you been?" He asked concerned while I got in the car. I didn't answer, with my still down. "What wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine. Just take me home." I whispered. "Your not fine so tell me what's wrong." He said. I didn't answer. He turned my head for me to face him and lifted my head up. His eyes widened. "Tori, who the fuck did this to you?" He asked raising his voice a little. "Nash." I whispered. He started to get out the car but I stopped him. "Please don't do this. You'll only make him stronger." I said. "Okay, well let's get you home." He said closing the door.

  When we got home, mom wasn't there. Which was great. She probably went to the store. Dad wasn't home either because he works late nights on Thursday's. I went up to my room without saying anything. My arm was itching so I went to the bathroom. I got my blade and gave myself 4 cuts. It's not much but whatever. I wrapped the toilet paper on my arm and changed my clothes. I had to text Zoey that she couldn't come over because I wasn't feeling well.

To Zoey: sorry Zoey, I really wanted you to come over but I'm not feeling well. It's a long story but I'll tell you at school tomorrow. Xoxo.

From Zoey: it's okay. I hope you feel better. We can hangout on Saturday if you want?

To Zoey: that's sounds great! See you on Saturday.

I laid in my bed and watched tv. Matt came in and jumped on my bed which hurt badly. I whimpered. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I said not sounding sure of my self. He gave me that 'tell me or I'm telling mom' look. I stood up and huffed. I lifted my shirt up. I had bruises all on my stomach and my sides. Matt pulled my into a hug. "When did this happen?" He asked softly. "When I was walking to your car." I said. He pulled me into another hug. "Don't worry." He said. "Cameron's my partner on my history project." I said. "Wait, who's Cameron?" He asked. "He's Nash's best friend. The other boy who hurts me." I said. He signed. "When does the project start?" He asked. "Tomorrow, he said he's coming here to work on it." I said. "Good. I'll be checking up on you two." He said. "Okay." I said "get some sleep." He said before walking out of my room. Why do I have to be the victim? What have I ever done to them? And with that, I drifted to sleep.

Ok so I tried my best to make this a long chapter and I guess this is pretty long right?

QOTD: if you could move anywhere, where would you move?

AOTD: I'd probably go to Cali or floria. They have good weather there.

Bullied by: Nash GrierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora