Doctor Bucky

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Rewritten: October 9th, 2021

The sound of hushed voices whispering lured you out of a deep sleep. You thought this odd as the last thing you had remembered was being in the middle of an infiltration mission and then a piercing pain. Apparently you had lost consciousness. Focusing on the voices, you were able to determine one was a female and the other was a male. 

"Wade, dear. Do you think they'll be ok? You know I worry about Y/N when they go on these big missions." The female voice stated. Now you knew exactly who were talking. Had to be Storm and Wade. No wonder the voice was so familiar.

"They'll be fine Storm. You always worry too much. I swear you'd worry if they simply went to the grocery store." Wade replied, snorting a little. His girlfriend huffed, unamused by his teasing.

Finally feeling ready, you opened your eyes only to be hit with the harsh white light of a hospital. You quickly shut your eyes once more. After a couple of minutes, you opened your eyes once more.

With your eyes finally adjusted you began to look around. You were indeed in a hospital room. Quickly you noticed the enormous mountain of flowers and plushies. Continuing your look around you noticed your guests. Sitting in the chairs was none other than Steve and Bucky. There were two empty chairs which you assumed was where Storm and Wade had been sitting while they were staying in the hospital waiting for you to wake up. You gently sat up as Storm and Wade re-entered the room, causing Storm to squeal and run to your bedside. The clacking of her heels waking Steve and Bucky.

Steve and Bucky followed suit and came rushing to your bedside. Needless to say you being awake was a sight for sore eyes. Looking at your friends you immediately noticed how restless they all looked, especially Bucky.

"Y/N!! You're ok! We thought we had lost you." Storm said, tears streaming down her face. Her voice was shaky but she looked relieved. Wade moved her to a chair before she fell on the floor from crying.

"You know, working with others makes a mission less stressful. I do admire that you went by yourself but the injuries really don't seem like it was worth it. Doctors gave you a 50% chance of making it, considering where the bullet hit." Steve said before giving you a tight hug. There he goes again, acting like your dad and talking to you so sternly.

Steve released you and nodded at Bucky. Storm, Steve and Wade exited the room in order to give you and Bucky some a lone time. That and they wanted to run and grab some lunch.

"So uh, what's with all the gifts?" You said pointing at the pile. Bucky was now sitting by your bed holding your hand.

He smiled slightly. "Don't tell me you thought the others had forgotten about you. They all stopped by to check and see how you were doing and left gifts for. You had us all so worried, doll." Bucky said softly. He looked as though he was about to cry.

You gently placed your hand on his cheek to wipe any tears away. Bucky responded by placing his hand on top of yours. A tender moment truly. Not being able to hold in his sorrow anymore, he let his tears flow freely.

Wiping his tears you asked "Why are you crying, my love?" His sobs shook his body and left your heart panging. The pain he was showing truly hurt you.

Attempting to speak, Bucky replied. "I thought I was going to lose you. I don't know what I would've done, Y/N. The thought of losing you kills me. You're everything to me."

"Well fortunately for you mister. I'm not going anywhere. Not in a million years." You said, hugging him to you and gently petting his hair. Your own e/c orbs beginning to well with tears. This man truly did love you.

Bucky gently placed his lips on yours. A gentle kiss that set your heart ablaze. 

"Doll, next time you need help please ask me, ok?" Bucky said softly.

You smirked a little. "Well if you're offering. I'm gonna need help walking for while."

"I can help with that. Doctor Bucky is in." He replied, laughing.

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