Chapter fifteen- New friend

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Enjoy ^~^


~~~Lillian's pov~~~

   I started screaming for Ciel. Even Sebby-Chan. That little blonde haired twerp decided it would be ok to lock me in a room again. That is not ok. Of course nobody came. I was in a dark room and I could barely see anything. Although I'm sensing I'm back in Alois's room. That's right. I can sense things like that.
~~~le flashback~~~

~~~Ciel's pov~~~

   "What the hell do you want?" If that Alois doesn't leave me alone...

   "I'm here to retrieve my true love of course!"

   "Excuse me. But I am not going anywhere." He was eyeing Lillian when he called Claude. As he walked up, I already knew what was going to happen. I didn't have Sebastian either.

   "Claude, bring her home with us." Without me even getting a chance to blink, Claude had grabbed her and went back to the carriage with Alois. I could hear Lillian struggling and screaming still.

   "Stop! Give her back!" I ran as fast as oil could after the carriage but it didn't work. "God Damn that Trancy!"

~~~Back to le normal time~~~

~~~Lillian's point of view~~~

   I was to wrapped up in my thoughts to realise that someone had just walked in. Before I could say anything, they turned the lights on and I sware I was blinded for the rest of my life.

   "Hello my love." Oh great. Bipolar Blondie is here.

   "Hello kidnapper."

   "Kidnapper? I'm not kid napping you. I'm showing my love!"

   "Really? So tying my hands down is showing love?"

   "That is only because you'd run away from me!"

   "Uhh...Yea! Probably because I don't want to be here!" That freaking blonde walked over and sat on my lap. This kid...Again, NOT OK.

   "Lillian, we are going to get married."

   "Remeber how well that worked last time?"

   "That was only because that Phantomhive disturbed us."

   "You really are insane." Next thing I know my cheek stung and I almost tipped over in the chair. Did he just? THAT LITTLE BASTARD LAYED HIS HANDS ON ME.

   "You will not speak to me like that again, clear?"

   "Fuck off." Another slap to the face and I only laughed. It was weird, I had this feeling burning inside me and I didn't know how to control it.

   "I said don't speak to me like that!" He was so close to my face now, I felt his warm breath against my face.

   "Go to hell." And this time he switched it up a bit. I felt a punch to the gut and I had to admit, this kid can hit.

   "God damnit what is wrong with you!?" He didn't say another word. Instead he leaned in and did another NOT OK thing.

   "I'm sorry. But you need to learn your place." There was a knock on the door and I really didn't care who it was. I was to busy contemplating this kids death.

   "You have visitors." I heard the clink of glasses and I already knew who it was. It was Claude. But...visitors?

   "Ahh yes! Right on time!" He let out a laugh and walked out with his butler. At least he left the light on this time.

   "Escape...Escape...AHH! FOUND IT!"

~~~Ciel's pov~~~

    "Can't you go any faster!?" I punched the wall of the carriage and we went a bit faster, but not enough to make a big difference. We came to a stop and I looked out at the Trancy mansion. "I'm coming Lillian..."

   "My lord" Sebastian held out his hand waiting to help me out. We walked up to the door and I pounded on it. Of course Claude had to answer. Who else?

   "Were here for Lillian. Where is she?"

   "That is up to my master." I pushed past him and looked around. No Trancy to be seen.

   "Go get him." Claude turned around and walked away.

   "Sebastian. I want you to keep Claude away from Lillian and me."

   "Yes, my lord." We waited a moment longer until I heard a familiar voice.


   "Where is she!?"

   "Oh, my future wife? She is in a safe place." I didn't say anything back, just ran past him towards the dining room. He wouldn't hide her in the same place, would he?

   "Stop trying to mess with love!"

   I threw my fist at him and he fell to the floor.

   "Where is she!?"

   "Claude!" He was unable to get to Alois because Sebastian. I threw another punch and he let out a cry.

~~~Lillian's pov~~~

   Lucky me. I found a file by the bed, and it had a sharp point on it. I cut the rope and my hands were free. I got off the rest that was on my wrists, but my wrists were completely bruised. I was untieing my feet when I heard yelling.

   "Well. Emo Pirate finally showed up. How useful." I ran out of the room. I didn't believe what I seen next. Claude and Sebby-Chan were fighting as usual, but Ciel was on top of Alois...punching him.

   "Ciel! Stop!" I couldn't help but push him off. I mean yea the blondie has been a dick, I still liked him.

   "I told you not to mess with love!"

   "Shut up! I'm going with Ciel." Ciel only smirked and Alois got mad. I can't blame him. I'm fabulous.

   "But" Ciel looked at me but I ignored him, "you can come too." I held out my hand to help him up and he took it. Ciel sat there in shock and even Claude and Sebby-Chan stopped. It was actually funny. "If you're going to stare, take a picture." I helped Ciel up and I pulled both to the door. "Claude isn't invited!"

   "Why can't Cl-"

   "Because he's a dick. Now let's go." I pushed them both into the carriage and I climbed in. Then Ciel had sat down next to me, and Alois across.

   "I don't see why he got to come."

   "Because he is my friend. Now stop speaking or I'll duct tape your mouth." He didn't say another word, which was good because I was serious about the duct tape thing. The carriage finally stopped and I jumped out. "Sebby-Chan."

   "Yes my lady?"

   "I want a piggy back ride."


   "But PLLEEEAAASSSEE." He glared at me and I jumped on his back. He actually moved.

   "Lillian. May I ask why your on my butler's back?"

   "My ankles still hurt. And I'm just lazy." We walked inside and I was suddenly on the floor.

   "Hey! What the hell Sebby-Chan!?"

   "I have chores to attend to before I make dinner." What a dick.

   "Lillian, why am I here?"

   "Because I get bored. Come on." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside.



   "Where are you going?"

   "The garden." I waved and walked away with Alois.

Stuck with you (Black Butler fan-fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum