Chapter 7

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Right, so we're just going to go to dinner time or whatever. Tour over. Sorry, sorry, sorry! It's only like an hr time skip though...

After a long hour of online shopping with Taylor, I was pretty hungry. I didn't mention anything, but luckily, Taylor was hungry too, and suggested we go out to dinner.

"Ok!" I agreed immediately. I didn't tell her the last time I'd been out to dinner was before I went to the orphanage, which I couldn't remember very well.

"Let's leave in about five minutes." Taylor said. I nodded not really feeling like saying anything and thought about what just happened. I was just adopted by like the most famous pop/country star in the universe. It all went by so quickly! I don't even know if this is a dream or not.

Then a Meredith jumped on my face.

"Ahh! Meredith!" And then she disappeared. I tried to find her again under the couch and behind the tv, but she wasn't there. I smiled. Olivia was on the other couch just relaxing like whatever. They were so different and so cute!

"Kaelynn, we're leaving." Taylor said to me.

"Ok!" I slipped my shoes on and argued with myself on if I should wear a coat or not. I decided not to and waited at the door for Taylor.
Once we got to the restaurant, A guy probably around 25 lead us to our table. I stayed behind Taylor, because I didn't really know what to do.

We sat down and I looked at my menu. It was smaller and more... uh... papery then Taylor's. I looked at the top and read two words. "Kids Menu." Oh.

The choices were pretty easy to choose from, and I soon figured out there were games on the back. I played a few, and then, another person came over to our table this time a girl.

She asked what we wanted to drink and we both said water. I'm not sure I really wanted water but I didn't know the other choices, so water it is.

"Hey Taylor wanna play?" I asked. I pointed to one of the games. I forgot what it was called but I remember playing it.

"Ok, do you want to be Xs or Os."

"Xs." I answered and drew an X in the middle square. Taylor made an O in one of the corners. We kept playing until I'd won twice, Taylor won once, and all the games were filled.

It was really fun. While we were playing, we both ordered our food, and now we were just waiting for it to come.

~~~~~{Time Skip}~~~~~~

As we walked out of the restaurant, A little girl probably around 6 ran up to Taylor and started screaming.

"Mommy lookie! It's Taylor Swift!" She jumped up and down like crazy and then walked over to me. "Who are you?" then she walked away still very hyper about Taylor.

Once the doors closed behind us and I knew the little girl wasn't listening I started jumping up and down.

"Mommy lookie! It's Taylor Swift!" I pretend-screamed. Taylor laughed and I pointed to myself with a skeptical look on my face. "Who are you?"

The drive home was full of talking, singing, and laughter. Seriously, I felt like Taylor was my sister instead of my mom.

Adopted By Taylor SwiftHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin