fifty four.

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I mumble a brief greeting to my parents as I arrive home, they're sitting at the table eating and at the moment most food turns my stomach. Instead I bypass them and head upto my room, changing into a pair of pyjama shorts and a t-shirt, abandoning my bra with relieved sigh and climbing into my covers. 



I park up up outside the pretty detached house. I've only been here a few times before, Flora's leather jacket is sitting in my passenger seat, as I pick it up I can smell the faint scent of her perfume on the leather. 

I walk to the front door - I've never actually been in Flora's house. I knock at the door quietly, stepping back from the top step and clearing my throat. I hear muffled voices and Flora's dad answers, raising his eyebrows in recognition. 

"Mr.Styles, this is a surprise! How can I help you?" He says. 

"Oh, Flora left her jacket at min- Amber's house when she stayed over last night and I said I was heading home this way so I don't mind dropping it off" I say politely, I hear Flora's mum from somewhere behind him. 

"Thankyou I'm sure she'll be really pleased, did you want to come in and have a cup of tea or something?" He asks, prompted by Flora's mum I'm sure. I smile, overtaken by curiosity and the thought of seeing Flora again. As well as slightly nervous. 

"That would be lovely actually, thanks!" I say, stepping through and greeting Flora's mum with a smile. They seem so sweet and welcoming. Not quite the clash of personalities my family is but what can you do. 

"It's nice to see you again Mr.Styles, it's a shame Flora hadn't made her mind up properly. I hope she didn't mess you around too much" Flora's mum apologies, filling the kettle. An idea suddenly strikes me. 

"Actually, the jacket wasn't the real reason I came here... it was maybe an excuse..." Both her parents look at me expectantly and suddenly I'm a little nervous. 

"Flora was the best PA I've ever had.. and I was so gutted to lose her. I've still not found an appropriate replacement so I'm really interested in giving her an offer she can't refuse" I say. 

"Well, I'm listening!" Flora's dad chuckles. 

"I'm willing to give her a discussed six-figure salary, company car and a time share in the south of France as well as a percentage equity share in the corporation. If that's what it takes" I offer. Both her parents look a little shocked. Well I'm not lying if it's what it takes to make Flora come back. 

"Well I think you definitely need to talk to her about that.. " Her mum says, although they still look taken aback.

"I don't see how she can turn that down.. if you're sure she's the one you want, I mean she's still young" Her dad says thoughtfully. I turn around as I hear foot steps in the hall behind me. I didn't come here to offer her a job, she just wasn't replying to my texts and I was worried about how she was feeling. 

"Harry?" She says surprised, dressed down in her pyjamas, traces of make-up removed, hair hanging messily down her shoulders, she looks sleepy like she might have napped. 

"Flora, how are you?" I ask matter of factly. She still looks extremely ruffled. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks. 

"Mr.Styles is offering you an incredible new job" Her dad interjects, she looks a little horrified. She shakes her head, looking a little scared. 

"I honestly don't want another job" She says, sounding a little choked up. Looking at me like I betrayed her, I mean I know I should have asked before coming round. She turns around heading back upstairs. 

"I'm really sorry Mr.Styles, I don't know why she's behaving this way" Her mum looks a bit shocked. 

"It's okay, I'll go take her jacket upstairs and explain properly, if you wouldn't mind" I smile. 

"No of course not" Her parents shake their heads and direct me upstairs to Flora's bedroom. I knock twice on the door. 

"Not right now mum please" She calls, I take this as an invitation and open the door. She's in bed completely obscured by the duvet, her face in the pillows. 

"I said not right no-" She lifts up her head and quickly dabs at her face which goes red. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" She asks, her voice a little high pitched with tears and frustration. 

"Are you really that upset to see me? What's wrong?" I ask, dumping her jacket over her desk and climbing onto the bed. 

"Nothing, please go" She says, still crying. 

"No, I don't like seeing you upset" I say firmly. Pulling her to me so her face is in my chest.

"I'm just not feeling well and I don't appreciate you doing this.." She says, her breathing a little frantic but she doesn't resist my contact. 

"I just need five minutes with you, then I'll leave I promise" I say, kissing her forehead once and then her lips, gently multiple times. Rolling her over and underneath me as she kisses me hungrily, nervous every second more that one of her parents will come in. 

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