Giving In

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After a full week of school with no word of Harry coming back, Lynette began to get more than a little concerned.  At the end of one long day, in which she was so distracted in class that she could hardly remember the main topic of the lesson, Lynette spotted Louis talking to some girls. She pushed through the group brazenly and touched his shoulder.  Louis glanced around and saw her, a wide grin appearing on his face.

"Lyn!" He turned to the girls, some of whom were shooting Lynette some looks of annoyance. "Excuse me ladies."

"So Lyn," he said cheerily as they walked, "What do you want me for? I know you've only got eyes for Curly, as irresistible as I am." He shot her a smirk, which softened a bit as he noticed her tensing at the mention of Harry.

"Haz won't really tell us what's going on," Louis said quietly. "But I know something's up. He's acting depressed and Harry hasn't been depressed in all the time I've known him."

"I just," Lynette's hands absentmindedly began playing with the hem of her shirt. "We've broken up. Harry's determined to stay away from me and yet I still care enough to want to know why he's not back and the stress is getting to be a bit much right now--"

"Whoa, whoa," Louis stopped her rambling. "First of all, Harry cares about you too. It's wildly  obvious.  Second of all, he's moved to the hospital here in Cambridge for recuperation. And third of all, calm down." 

"Right."  Lynette took a deep breath.

"You ought to visit him again, you know," Louis added, "Harry--like I said, he's kinda, well, not himself.  He's not eating or sleeping well at all and the nurses are getting a bit worried."

"He doesn't want me there," and seeing Louis' incredulous look, she continued, "The last time I tried visiting, he got really agitated and I'm just afraid to hurt him again."

Louis sighed, and put his hands in his pockets. "Honestly Lyn, you visiting and maybe talking some sense into Harry couldn't do any more harm than he's already doing to himself. He's lost so much weight these past few days and somehow, though his chest infections are almost better, he looks more tired and weak than ever." Louis looked weary himself. "Just try to get through to him, alright?"

Lynette nodded, her mouth a little dry, and swallowed thickly. "I'll go," she managed to get out.

Louis looked relieved and pointed down one street. "The Cambridge University Hospital is that way. It's still visiting hours for another hour or so, but you should probably hurry." He glanced down at her and cracked a smile. "You're good for him, you know. Harry was never so happy until he met you and he was never so sad until he lost you.  It's always good to know people who can make you feel so intensely, don't you think?"

Lynette smiled for a moment before hoisting her bag firmly onto one shoulder and heading toward the hospital. Louis waved enthusiastically and turned back to the girls he'd been chatting up.


She had rushed along for several minutes when she felt someone catch up and tap her on the shoulder.


She looked up, distracted, "Huh, oh hi!"

She recognized him as one of the boys from her class, Terrence. "Could I help you with something?"

The boy fumbled. "Actually I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime."

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