Starbucks, Truth and Fajitas

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A/N: So new chappie, hope you like it. It's longer than the others isn't it? Again I just want you guys to check out this book: Life In A Twist by Yum_cheesefish and also my other book In Love With Your Heavenly Music. ‘Kay that’s all.


Chapter 14: Starbucks, Truth and Fajitas

~Shae's Pov~ 

Two days. Two day since they came back and I haven’t seen Liam or Zayn. I was glad that Zayn wasn’t around right now and I knew Liam was with his family. Niall, Louis and Harry have been awesome though. There’s never really a quiet moment and the house feels less empty. I can’t wait for the girls to meet them.

Right now I’m at the mall. I needed some alone time and some new clothes but I went into ten different shops and only bought things from Abercrombie, Forever 21 and Jack Wills. Since the mall was twenty to thirty minutes from my house, I decided to walk it but right now I just wished I had my car. 

Deciding that I’ve had enough I started to walk out of the mall when I bumped into some guy which made my bags fall. I turned to the guy and started to say sorry but stopped when I realized who he was. I turned and just started to pick up my stuff.

“You know that you’ll have to talk to me some time soon,” he said but I ignored him and continued to walk. He followed me anyway,” Would you just have coffee with me then?” the dark haired boy continued but I never responded. “You know I’ll just follow you.”

I turned to him then,” Fine Zayn, let’s go to Starbucks. Will you shut up then?” I said.

He smiled, nodded and turned towards his car. I followed him and put my bags in the back seat before getting into the front. The drive was silent and I would rather keep it that way. He pulled up in front of the small building and I got out and walked inside. He went up and ordered while I sat in a booth by the window. He soon came back with two cups in his hands and I took the Caramel Frappuccino from him and took a sip.

“So what did you want to talk about?” I asked. I needed to know in order to leave, right?

“I wanted you to know how sorry I am and I want to explain but most of all I want, no, need you to forgive me. I messed up, big time and I hurt you in the process and I didn’t mean to. I didn’t even know what I was thinking. My mind was so focused on the competition and then my granddad died and-”

“That’s where you’re wrong Zayn. I kept on telling you the other day that the grief card wouldn’t work and I know you don’t think I’m right but I’m telling you the truth here.” I smiled as I said this, trying my best not to let the tears escape. Smiling doesn’t always mean you’re happy, I told myself, it’s a sign of strength.


“No. Do you want to know why I kept on telling you this?” I asked, looking him straight in the eyes. I knew after I told him I would leave. I’d walk home even if my bags were in his car because I don’t think I could bear being with him afterward.

“Yes,” he said, looking slightly worried. I took in a deep breath before I started.

“Okay. The night I found what you did I was majorly upset. Aidan wanted to stay with me but I told him to go by Jordan and later Zach showed up drunk. We talked but I just wanted him to leave and eventually he did. Aidan was coming back home ‘cause he wasn’t comfortable with me being alone and upset,” by this time some tears slipped down my cheek as the memory played over and over in my head like it was on some sort of loop.

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