Chapter 16

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Alex's P.O.V

"OMG!!! What are you doing here?" I asked, squealing as Kyle got up and hugged me.

"I'm here to stay" Kyle spoke, still entwined in our embrace, from behind my back.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pulling him out of our hug so I could see his face.

"I'm staying here. I'm moving in so we can do all our videos. Bryan did talk to you about all of MDE eventually living here, didn't he?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, yeah! Great! Is it just you staying?" I dug deeper.

"I'm not sure but I think Jeydon is coming here to talk about it" Kyle informed us before taking a seat.

"That's awesome! Nice to see you bro" Johnnie joined in as I now took a seat in the sofa next to the one Kyle was sitting on, throwing my bag to the side.

"And you to! It's been forever since we've seen each other!" Kyle added.

"Where is Bryan??" I interrupted their short lived bromance.

"Upstairs, I think" Kyle told me while picking up his bag of crisps while munching on some.

"Okay, I'll go up and see him" I told Kyle and Johnnie as I got up from the sofa and started walking upstairs.

Johnnie's P.O.V

"So, you and Alex eh?" Kyle laughed as he winked.

"Yeah" I awkwardly spoke. It was a bit weird to talk about Alex in that way with anyone let alone a close friend who has known us for a while now.

"That's good! You guys are great together" Kyle smiled next to me in while he was fiddling about with his black beanie.

"Really? I think we're good together but there's something she's not telling me" I confided in Kyle as I whispered about Alex who was now upstairs.

"Really? How do you know? Maybe there's nothing at all" Kyle logically thought out

"I know because she's been really upset lately and when I ask her about it she says she's just tired" I honestly told Kyle.

"Maybe she genially is upset" Kyle offered his suggestion.

"I know when my girlfriend is upset and she is" I defended my sanity.

"Well be upfront about it and ask her. That's what I would do" Kyle shared some of his wisdom.

Just as I was about to reply, I heard footsteps coming downstairs and automatically shut up. Alex walked into the living room, red-faced and with eyes that were tearing up.

"Are you serious? I leave you for a second and you're already talking about me and my emotions" Alex raised her voice.

"What?! I didn't do that! I just asked what to do" I defensively said. I didn't think I did anything wrong.

"How about you trust me when I say I'm fine!" Alex now yelled.

"How am I supposed to when we all know what you used to do" I yelled back, referencing her self-harm. I can't believe she's making me out to be the bad guy when she's the one who's keeping secrets from me!

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Alex now practically whispered in a hurt tone.

"Nothing. I didn't mean it. Come here" I started to say as I walked up to Alex and started hugging her.

"Get off!" Alex exclaimed. With that, she walked upstairs and I heard our bedroom door lock.

"What the hell happened there?" Bryan asked, walking downstairs.

"Johnnie decided to bring up Alex's self-harm" Kyle told Bryan. Was that actually how it looked like? Was I the bad guy? Or did Alex over-react?

"Actually, it wasn't like that. Alex overheard me and Kyle talking about her being upset and she took it badly" I said to Bryan.

"It's understandable that Alex is upset then. She's very self-conscious and been through a lot so it might look like, to her, that you're talking about her behind her back. You're meant to be there for her" Bryan spoke, now taking a seat.

"Okay, okay! I get it! I screwed up! What should I do?" I asked, concerned. I didn't want to make the situation worse than what it actually was.

"Just...just...wait here for a bit and let her cool off because I think she's just angry. Then, in a couple of hours, she'll be down and then you can talk" Bryan instructed me.

"Should I just go up now? No messing around or games, just honesty" I exhaled a deep breath due to the stress. If Alex was really hurting then she didn't need this as well.

"No because she's angry. Let her cool" Bryan persisted.

"I think Bryan is right" Kyle confirmed.

"Fine. What's this about Jeydon moving in?" I asked, changing the difficult subject out of guilt. It was my fault. I shouldn't have been so hard on Alex.

"He's coming over to talk about it" Bryan replied to me.

"Cool, is there going to be enough room? We only have 3 rooms" I informed Bryan

"3 big rooms that can hold at least 5 people. Of course there enough space!" Bryan laughed.

"So, who's staying in which rooms then?" Kyle joined into the conversation.

"Well, Alex and Shannon in one room. Me and Jordan in another and you, Johnnie and Jeydon" Bryan spoke to Kyle.

"What about when Alex and Johnnie know..." Kyle winked at me and Bryan.

"Wow Kyle. Why are you so involved in my relationship with Alex?" I laughed.

"Someone jealous" Bryan joked.

"Oh yeah!" Kyle sarcastically agreed into liking me.

"Well, you'll make up with Alex and Jeydon will make up his mind about moving in" Bryan pointed at me.

"So there's nothing else to do then to watch TV for now" Kyle spoke up from the sofa as he got up and walked into the kitchen.

Bryan turned the flat screen TV on and flicked through the channels until a horror movie flashed on the TV. Kyle came into the room with a huge bowl of popcorn, crips, chocolate and fizzy drinks.

"Jeez, you got enough food?" I sarcastically asked Kyle before he sat down and we all started opening up the food and drink.

I was anxious for later. For Alex. Was she okay? Did she hate my guts? Would she ever forgive me? All these questions were flowing through my mind but none of them could be answers until later.


I'm so sorry for the late update. I've been feeling really upset lately because there is a lot going on with my school and shit like that. I knew that you guys wanted an update (thanks for all the comments, votes and reads) so here it is. I'm feeling a bit better now so I hope you enjoy this chapter and the kohnnie references. I'll update soon ~ Tiff xxx

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