Fluttercord vs. dislestia

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    Yay! I am happy to do this shipping. Who Will win this battle? Well I know there's a lot of fluttercord fans, and a lot or dislestia fans. But I have my reasons for mine. My choice is........
(Drum roll)

Dislestia!! Yay! I know you all hate on me but to tell you the truth I little ship fluttercord. But I know it will never happen. It may but it's kinda creepy. Discord has been frozen I'm rock so he's like really old, so is the princess. And it be weird if discord dated flutter since she is so young. Also to mention the flutter was his way into friendship not love. Again the reason they ship it is because discord likes flutter a lot as a friend. Plus I totally fangirled when discord gave the princess flowers!  I told you I was a fluttercord fan but now I'm not so don't hat me.

Angel's Reactions to ShipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora