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*Unedited (plus I typed this on my iPad so... We'll see how well this goes)*

Authors Note: I just wanna say that I'm really happy that people actually read my story, and I'm sorry that I haven't updated in like a year, and it sounds cheesy but the comments got me going. So, THANKS A TON!!!


Isabelle looked up in surprise. Standing in front of her was someone she had least expected to see. It was Eric.

"Hey," he said flirtatiously. He had crouched down to her level and gave a toothy smile. "You come here often?"

Isabelle cringed and stood up. She walked out of the alley, Eric trailing behind her.

"So," he started. "How about you, me, Olive Garden, 7 PM Friday night?" 

Isabelle, rolling her eyes, turned to look at him. He had a smirk on his face that she wanted to punch off. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested." Isabelle crossed the street, hoping to get away from Eric.

"HEY! PLEASE!" He shouted, running after her. Isabelle sighed and waited for him to catch up with her.

Once Eric finally reached her, he had his hands on his knees, panting like crazy. 'What's wrong with this guy,' she thought. 'All I did was cross the road and he makes it seem like we ran a 4k.'

"You're a feisty one aren't you? You know words can hurt too." He said, feigning pain. Isabelle realized that she had spoken her thoughts aloud, making her blush in embarrassment.

"Sorry." She muttered. "Anyways, I don't want to go on a date with you, so please don't ask again."

"Alright, alright." Eric put his hands up in surrender. Isabelle nodded and was about to walk back to Taki's when he stopped her.

"But," he started with his 'award-winning' smile, "How about you set me up with your friend instead? She's hot." 

Isabelle was about to retort with a snarky comeback before a voice interrupted her.

"Wow, Eric. I've never seen you this desperate."

Isabelle froze. Slowly, she turned to see the face of that voice. The face of that beautiful, beautiful voice. And there he was. Simon. Her Simon. 

"Oh, shut up Simon. Like you're not as desperate." Eric muttered.

"Eric, why don't you go get us something from that Taki's restaurant place. Wait for me there."

"You can't tell me what to do." Eric retorted, but nonetheless, he walked across the street to Taki's.

Simon looked at Isabelle with a welcoming smile. But it wasn't the same. He wasn't her Simon anymore. He didn't look at her with love. He didn't look at her like he was his everything, like she was the only girl in the world. And that made her die inside.

"Hi." Simon said. He held out his hand to Isabelle. "I'm Simon. That was Eric, he's an idiot, and I apologize for his actions. Just ignore him. That's what I do!"

Isabelle stared at him. She looked at him with no emotion in her eyes. But she knew that she had felt as many emotions as possible when  she saw him. Love. Heartbreak. Pain. Anger. Sadness. Happiness. Nostalgia. Relief. Fear. 

"Umm... Hello?" Isabelle snapped out of her trance and realized that Simon was still waiting for her to shake his hand. Isabelle carefully took his hand and shook it. His hand was warm, and it felt weird. Back when he knew her, it was cold, as a vampire would be.

"Miss, can you, um... Let go of my hand, please?" Isabelle snapped putt of her thoughts once again. This time, her hand was still holding on to Simon's, very, very tightly. She let go of his hand like it had just caught on fire and blushed profusely. 

"I'm so sorry. Nice to meet you. I should go." Isabelle hurriedly walked away from Simon, trying to create as much distance as possible. 

"Wait!" Simon called. Isabelle continued to walk, refusing to look at him.

"Miss! Miss! I didn't even get your name!" Isabelle stopped in her tracks. She wiped away the tears she didn't realize had appeared and turned around. 

He was pretty far away, but she could still see him and his dorky smile. 

"It's Isabelle." She called out. "Isabelle Lightwood."


Okay... So I realized that this is short... Like SUPER SHORT. But, I'm just getting back in the writing saddle and I wrote  this on a whim. So the next time I write a chapter it will be planned out and (hopefully) long. By the way, please give me feedback on my writing and how I can improve. And feel free to send me messages on how you would like this book to end up or what you want to see happen along the way! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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