| Go to Hell |

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The air was cool and brisk on this dark night. The ground was covered in a blanket of fog. The tall shadowy tree branches hung low like the fingers of a monster tempting to touch. All was quiet except for the humming from my own mind.

I blinked repeatedly, struggling to adjust my eyes to such vast darkness.

What am I doing in the woods?

All was silent until the night was awakened by something. Leaves crunched and tree branches snapped in the distance of the dark hour. I wanted to run away but I was unable to. It was as if I was forced to stay.

In the distance, a shadow appeared. This tall, huge shadow hid deep in the trees. This monstrous figure put fear into me. Its long legs and lengthy arms that rested by its side were unnatural. What scared me the most was its red eyes that seemed to be glowing in the night?

I wanted to scream but I could not. I was left to stand there to watch the monster that lurks in the distance of the night...

Opening my eyes, I was left staring up at the white ceiling of my bedroom. Three nights in a row. This was how many times I had this insane dream. I never had the same dream so many nights in a row.

I picked up my phone. Beating my annoying alarm to the punch, I canceled the timer and began getting dressed for the start of the week.


Class for the day was short and I was more than happy to escape such boredom. Making it home in time, I quickly changed and waited for Dan and Alexa to pick me up for work.

"Hey?" I was sitting at the kitchen island when Blair entered.

"Hey?" I responded back.

"How are you feeling?"

I mentioned to Blair how I was officially done with Joshua and his childish behavior. Hopefully I could delete him from my life. No, I still have not heard from him since the beginning of the weekend and honestly, I could care less now.

"Absolutely fine." I smiled.

"Good. You don't need a pig in your life."


I looked at my vibrating phone. It was a text message from Alexa saying they were outside. I said my goodbye to Blair, picked up my things, and ran out to the car to greet Alexa and Dan.


Hours had passed and many faces had come and gone. However, I still found myself thinking of Joshua and where everything had gone wrong with us. Was it me? My life? My busy schedule could not fit his physical and emotional needs?

"Thanks for coming." A fake smile painted on my face, I thanked a few travelers for coming and for the tip they had left.

"What have you so lost?" Alexa returned from delivering a meal to a table.


"This better not be about..him."


"That loco Joshua."

"Why do you hate him so much?"

"Because he is fake as fuck mama. He is sneaky too. I can see the serpiente all in his face."

"Oh girl stop it."

"Whatever. Just find something better and move on. Date a man with a future. Not a boy whose madre still pays his car note."

She talked too much. However, she was right. What did I expect Joshua and I's future to look like? Me moving on with success and him still riding around in the same car his mother helps pay for? It just did not work.

The doorbell jingled, signally an intruder into the diner. I looked up. My tired heavy eyes caught wind of a man. A familiar one. He took a seat at his usual booth. The one in the far corner.

"Silas." I whispered. His head snapped toward me. His eyes met mine briefly. It was almost as if he heard my low whisper. Knowing it was impossible, I looked away.

"Isn't that the guy who was eyeing you at the club?" Alexa whispered as she nudged me. I didn't respond. I picked up my notepad and pen, tightened my apron, and walked around the counter.

"Hey?" I greeted as I approached him. He looked at me. I don't know why but for some reason, I just could not snatch my eyes away from his. If it wasn't for his eyes shifting from mine, our eyes would have still been connected. "Um do you need anything?"

I took down his order. He had requested a steak, the same one I had given him some nights prior to this one. After taking his order, I delivered the ticket to Dan.


The diner had almost emptied except for the usual. Two truckers who ride together daily and always stop by during their tour and Silas who was still sitting in his usual booth. I glanced over at him. He was scribbling something onto a small napkin. His eyes were wide and focused as he did it.

"Can I take these?" I asked, referring to the plate and cup he left empty.

Never looking up to acknowledge my presence, he continued on. He looked spaced out. Almost as if he was stuck in a daze or trance.

"What is that?" I asked. He had drawn some weird markings. Some sort of symbols. My eyes wide, I stared at it, my interest strangely growing. "Hey?"

He snapped out of it. He looked up at me then back at the napkin. He ran his fingers across the symbols before he quickly bald the napkin up, tossing it onto the plate for trash.

He looked at me. The corner of his lips lowered as he frowned. Grabbing his brown coat, he stood up, his eyes gazing down into mine.

Was it strange that I felt weak under him? Yet I still felt...strong. It barely made sense but it was so hard to explain.

Breaking such intense eye connection, he slipped passed me and out of the diner.

I returned his dirty dishes into the washing area. Interested, I grabbed the crumbled up piece of napkin and opened it. Black shades of a pencil formed symbols of some sort.

"What the hell is this?"


Sitting in front of the television, I listened to the rain drum against the roof. The thunder roared as lightening lit up the night sky.

"Are you okay?" Blair sat down next to me, pulling my plush lounge blanket over her legs.

"I don't know." I wiped away the last tear I had left to spare.

"I'm so sorry Chanel." She spared me sympathy.

"Fuck him." My sadness quickly turned to anger, hatred and loathe.

"Well what did he say?" Hesitant to reread it, I opened my messages in my phone and read aloud;

'Chanel, we need to talk. I really do have love for you. You are fucking amazing. But I don't think we should be together. I just feel like we are two different people from two different worlds. You're a good girl and I'm just dragging you along. I mean, we barely even have time for each other anymore.

What I'm saying is I think you should move on as I did. Find someone you are compatible with because we obviously, we are not. Good luck and I hope you well. Bye'

My slim fingers tightened around the phone. It felt as though I was seconds away from it crumbling in my hands. I took a deep breath, desperately trying fight back the tears I had forming.

"That bitch." Blair spat.

"Don't worry about it. He's not worth it and I see that now. That bitch wasn't even bold enough to break up with me to my face." I was completely and utterly disgusted that his only option was to break up with me through text message.

He can go to hell....

What Goes Bump In The Night (Book One).✔Where stories live. Discover now