1. Grunt Carol

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"Stacy's mom has got it goin' on, she's all that I want and I've waited for so long! Stacy can't you see you're just not the girl for me! I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacy's mom!"

"Ma'am," I jumped, taking out my ear buds before seeing the flight attendant, "You have a very lovely voice but Stacy's mom just isn't interested."

I blushed, laughing lightly, "Sorry for singing out loud."

She smiled lightly at me, "It's okay but let's try not to let it happen again."

I nodded, slipping only one of my ear buds in as she walked away. I sinked down in my seat, trying to hide from the stares. I didn't even want to be here, but of course mommy and daddy dearest couldn't have a screw up like me ruining their oh so perfect reputation that they spent years building. Oh no, that would just be utterly horrible! Yeah I know I'm choking on my own sarcasm here but it's really all I have. They'll lie saying I was having the honered opportunity to be shipped off to some rich boarding school, use their money to cover up their tracks while in reality, I'm on my way to live with my psycho great aunt. I don't even know who she is, I've only heard stories about her from my older brother. Those stories weren't about a happily ever after, unless you consider a happy ending with the witch slowly and painfully killing the princess and torturing the prince for all eternity! And here I was stuck with her, in the tiniest town ever to exist, until my so called parents deemed me worthy of their presences.

"Kid, we're landing."

I looked next to the seat next to me, seeing some guy in his fifties, "Huh?" I asked, pausing my phone and pulling out my single ear bud.

"We're landing, you might want to put your seat belt on." He repeated, nodding his head towards the seat belt sign that was flashing on the ceiling.

"Oh, thanks." I replied, connecting my seat belt as he nodded with a flat smile and looked away.

The plane shook as we came closer to the ground, I popped a piece of gum in my mouth, waiting for my ears to pop. When we landed and exited the plane, I pulled up the photo that my dad had one of his secretaries send me, because he was way too busy to send me a five second text message. It was a picture of the witc- my great aunt, man I hope I don't make that slip up when I talk to her, she might kill me!

I took a deep breath, making a mental note before looking around for her. It was about half an hour before I found her, I already had my bags from the bag carrier. She was "rocking" a ladies embroidery work shirt, pencil skirt, and pointed toe high heels, her whole outfit, the same color, burgundy. Her hair was blonde like my mothers except it was pulled back into an extremely, pain fully tight bun. Her lips were red like blood while the rest of her was completely pale. It was just terrifying.

"Hey, Grunt Carol?"

"You must be Judy. I must say, what kind of young lady makes up such horrid words such as Grunt?" A smile never touched her lips and her voice was cold.

"Uh, no, my name's now Ariel, been that way since I was four years old and for the word Grunt, it's a mix of great and aunt, cool huh, I made it up myself. Well not totally on my own, I got it from a cartoon-"

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