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--Hilicarrier GUN HQ--

Everyone was knocked off their feet when Shadow came back with a submissive Mephiles handcuffed to himself and five others following behind.

"So, let me get this straight." Commander and Sonic both inquired after Shadow locked the holding cell with Mephiles in side, "he killed half of mobius and now he tells you a sad story and lets himself get taken in and we're supposed to do what exactly!? That cell can't hold him at all! And what's with the other guys!?"

"Nothing can hold even me if I decided to go rogue. But just as I have the ability to behave myself so does he. These guys are here from another planet. And you know our protocol for new comers, and when they want to dig through our thing."
"Our things?"
"As of now Mephiles is under GUN property. We took him in, he's in our holding cell."
"Well if they want him, they can go ahead and have him!" Sonic growled.

"No." Commander sighed, "they first have to under go a full background check, get regisuted in our data system, and then we can finally get down to business, as to why they want Mephiles, where they'd take him and what they plan to do with him. All of that stuff.." Commander began to rub his temples with the thought of so much paper work.
"You're kidding! How long will that take!?" Sonic flattened his ears.
"At most two days."
"Two days!!?"

"Excuse me boys!" The red cat Midnight poked her head around the corner, "don't mean to interrupt but I'd like to see the 'prisoner' if it's possible."
"What? Who are you??" All three looked back.
She smiled walking out to fully show herself, "I'm Midnight, a mercenary from Zulfare. But maybe all you're paper work will fill you in on the details. The very nice secretary already handed them out and I'm finished."
"Finished? Already?!" Commander blinked, no one has ever finished this fast before, "Well then we need--"
"Finger prints, pictures for reference, and photo ID. Check it out, not bad hm?" She held up a lanyard with her picture and showed her ink stained fingers from the finger printing.
"So you really are all done..." Commander hummed.
"I like this girl, she gets business done." Sonic whispered to no one impartial.

"I'll watch them." Shadow said nodding to the cat, "I'll be at the end of the hall to allow what little privacy I can."
"Privacy!? No one gives a master of evil privacy! They always carry out an escape plan!!" Sonic cried turning to Shadow. But he was pushed by the black hedgehog being ordered to leave, and the Commander entrusting Shadow to the matter left as well. As promised Shadow stepped to the end of the hall giving a few feet distance and watched the cat walk up to the cell's door.

Her golden eyes peered through the square glass window in the door and knocked twice to get his attention.
"I thought that was you." His voice answered back as his face came to meet hers at the window.
"You remember me after all this time?"
"How could I forget? You haven't changed at all.."
"But you have." She said sadly, "I can hardly recognize you anymore."
His green eyes looked away showing a frown of their own.
"Ever since you left I never stopped searching for you. No one would tell me where your brother banished you to, but I knew that some way you'd let me know. And I finally found you again!"
"Yeah...but I'm nothing like how I used to be. I don't even know myself anymore, I'm just a no body with a lot of power making everyone fear me."
"I don't care, I can still see you. You're in there somewhere. And I've come to get you out."
"To get you out, and we'll run away together! I don't know where, to a whole new universe if we have to, where no one will take you away from me again, where no one can hurt you. Even if it's a dead planet and we have to populate it ourselves!!"
"Whoa hold on! Slow down there! Hehehe.." Mephiles' eyes still sad yet seemed to smile looking back at her, "Right here is fine, I want to stay here. I doubt we can populate a planet with just the two of us alone. I-I don't even know if I'd want that. Lately I've just been destroying everything. Blind with rage. Sick with disgusting pleasure of hearing the screams of immense pain that I once endured inflicted on someone else.. I'm not cut out for anything but destruction, I really am a demon..."
Midnight held her hand to the glass wishing to touch his face, wanting to hold him, but if she made a move and slipped in through the door she could cause unnecessary trouble. "I don't care. I knew about you, that you were different what your potential powers could be, and I still love you. Whether you use that power for destruction or harmless tricks to make people laugh. I spent my whole life looking for you and I'll be damned if I leave this planet without you! So if you want to stay here for what ever reason, then so am I!"
"But, wouldn't the king order you back with the others?"
"He doesn't know I'm gone. Like I said I'm a mercenary, I came on no ones orders but my own. I do what I want." She smirked giving a wink, "Just like always huh?"
"Yes, just as always." Mephiles chuckled.
"Well then, I'll be off to announce my resign from Zulfare and allied with the Mobians now. Maybe I'll get a cool badge with that white 'G' that's painted everywhere." 

She finally left the door meeting Shadow at the end of the hallway, "So, what would I need to be qualified to work at this sort of place?" She rest her hands behind her head watching the dark hedgehog stretch a smile across his muzzle.
"Good skills and that's about it. Thinking about applying?"
"I've pretty much made up my mind." She nodded smiling back both were full of pride and cockiness.
"Well then I have to agree with Sonic, I like you too. And Mephiles has great taste in his women." 
Her smile widened, this guy was alright safe to consider him the first friend she's made on Möbius, plus he was helping Mephiles she loves it how the universe works in her favor in times like these.

After Shadow had walked her to get the application papers he was abruptly met outside the door by an angry Silver.
"What??" Shadow watched his son glaring into his eyes the look one would give an enemy.
"What? That's all you can say?! As if you really didn't know what you just did!?!" Silver yelled.
"Hey! Don't take up that kind of tone with me mister!" Shadow hissed back.
"No! My tone is completely necessary! Because the voice of reason in your head doesn't seem to be loud enough!! Do you not realize that you just let the enemy into our last line of defense and shelter!? The enemy who MURDERED Blaze and the Princess' family! An unborn child for crying out loud! Poisoned our friends, sunk a whole island, and is out to KILL everyone!!"
"Yes! I know-"
"That knocked you off your feet and unconscious! I had to risk my own life saving yours under the weight of the whole ocean caving in at the water base! Do you know what it's like dragging your father's lifeless body back to shore after watching the girl you love burned to ashes right in front of your eyes!?"
Shadow's ears flattened looking down slightly, how worried Silver must have been but kept his surface calm for the sake of others, and Amy. And hearing his actions spoken from another really does sound crazy.
Silver's anger triggered tears he fought to keep back, "If it was mom... If he killed her right in front of you the way he'd done to me, and hurt me leaving you with nothing but a cold body to drag to shore, would you even consider compassion towards a monster like that?!"
"No." Shadow sighed, "you're right, what he's done can never be forgiven. But forgiveness is not what he's asking for, nor does he really care to receive it. If he does decide to make a move here then those new Zulfarians were sent to stop him. I doubt it, but apparently they have the means to take him down and return him to where he won't be a threat to möbius anymore. But I also think he would have already made his move."
"That's it? You don't know for sure about anything!? Was there even a plan when you began to carry this out!?"
"No not really." Shadow smiled wearily scratching the back of his head. It was strange and out of the ordinary for the hedgehog to carry out his actions with out following a formulated plan. Unlike Sonic who jumps into action and let's things go where they may according to 'fate'.
Silver wasn't pleased by his answers and could only stare a cutting glare at his father before the red cat Midnight poked her head out from the room looking between the two.
"Umm I'm done." She mumbled the tension between them could be seen in a thick purple like aura.
"Fine. You'll want to let Commander know you've applied so he can start your orientation quickly." Shadow growled not breaking his gaze from Silver, "and let me tell you something Silver, no one walks the right road all the time, some of us mess up harder and a lot more drastic than others and we've done things that could never be forgiven, and we realize it too late. It takes a lot to get back on the right way and things will never be the same, but those who hold a grudge and start to abuse those who've gotten back on track become the bad guys. So don't you even think about doing anything out of orders for your own selfish gain or revenge, because that will never make things right." Shadow finished and pushed Silver aside angrily leading Midnight to meet with Commander Towers once more.

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