Carl; lost

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This story is for lilsnooki1020 I know it's bad but don't comment it is, please. Read ahead! It's short.

260 words

Your perspective is normal.

My eyes got heavier while my lungs slowed down.

My tears threatened to fall, the salty water rolled off my cheek as I was trying to stop the whole mess.

My thoughts left my sanity world leaving me with an insanity mind.

I gave all my strength and pushed holly from Mickey. Her anger to Mickey soon disappear, turning to me.

I froze, not knowing what I've done,  while she stormed off leaving the disaster behind.

I closed my eyes, hearing a chuckle coming from Mickey.

I opened my eyes, dragging my hands up to my hair, pulling it in frustration.

I let go of my hair walking away.

I needed to clear my mind.

I walked to an old, beautiful park.

The flowers danced with the wind, while the leaves flew like superman.

The grass moved side to side while the bugs lead it to.

I scanned the park finding a broken tree. The flowers no longer danced and the leaves only fly by.

The only thing that kept the tree still going is its twigs but soon enough they all die out.

I breathed in the sweet blossom air making me sit by a wooden bench, admiring this little world.

I smiled knowing it'll be my last to.

I left my mind behind, as I labeled my self the lost one.

Sorry it wasn't much of the situation more of thoughts :( oh and I made a new red band society book! But it's not published or anything it's currently in construction. Do you want me to post it when it's done?

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