Vision of Keegan

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  First I need to explain what a chosen is. In the elfin society our mates are predetermined. We each have a perfect half and we bring them together once they are both of age. Elves do not divorce, it is unheard of. The bonds between chosen’s are so strong that a divorce has never happened. That is not to say that partners never fight. My parents argue, but they always make up. My mother has such a bad temper, and my father compliments her with his easygoing personality. By the end of most arguments he has her laughing. 

 Ok, so I broke the rules once. When I saw Keegan dying in my vision, and I was told I was the child in the prophecy, a whole world opened up to me. I have access to all things magical in the elf world. I can speak to other seers, I’m able to read the books of prophecy, I have access to wizards etc. I pretty much have the elfin world of magic at my fingertips. It took me a couple of years before I made the decision to interfere with the outcome of the vision. I talked it over with my father. He was uncertain at first. However, when you are talking about someone’s flesh and blood, it’s easy to persuade them. I decided to make one simple change. First I should explain what the vision was. 

 I can still picture the vision as clear as day. Visions are strange; they do not always show the whole picture, usually just snap shots. She was on the ground, an arrow through her heart. Blood was everywhere. People screamed. Swords clashed. Then there was total blackness. As quickly as that vision ended, another one started. In this one, there was a fork in the road. Keegan, laughing, ran to the right. Behind her came a tall boy with reddish hair who was also laughing. He grabbed her by the waist and swung her around.

My take on the vision was if Keegan was with the boy with rusty hair, she could live, and if not, she would die. Well, in the vision she didn’t look old enough to be over 18. It took a while to figure out who the boy was. Once we found out it was Rourk, my dad was OK with the whole idea. He was a warrior, and not just any warrior. He was a GREAT warrior. The Army of the Light had already noticed Rourk; he was a natural.    

The best plan I could come up with was to remove the cloak for Rourk. So, we had Keegan’s cloak removed. He would know her, but she was not supposed to know him. You see, chosen's are cloaked from each other until they become of age, just in case they happen to pass each other in the street.  The main reasons chosen's are cloaked from each other is so we can enjoy our childhood. The bond to your chosen is so strong it would be hard for children to focus on living a normal life without them. I know that sounds dramatic, but it is true.  I also decided to plant his name into Keegan’s mind. This was easy enough to do. She was always begging me to tell her about her chosen. I finally agreed to tell her his name and nothing more. I told her if she ever felt in danger to think his name. I have to say I feel kind of bad for Rourk. It must be hard for him to resist the pull she has over him. I know for a fact she thinks of him all the time. I’ve caught her in her room talking out loud to him or making their wedding plans. Girls are so weird. 

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