Chapter 24

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You're my beautiful sin.

Ayesha P.O.V

While Stephen was in the shower I was scrambling to find that damn tan folder. I have no clue where this folder is , it's like playing ' find the hidden object' . Why in the world is this so difficult?

I felt a chill come over me as I moved tiny objects off the desk searching diligently .

" So have you spoken to Riley today?" Stephen yelled from the bathroom since the door was cracked halfway .

He has been in the shower for an hour and now he decides to make conversation. He insists on taking showers until the water starts to get cold.

"Um yeah she said she was having fun " I yelled going through Stephen suitcase distracted looking for the folder.

I closed the bag once I found a box of Trojan condoms I was way too deep in his bag so I stuffed all the stuff back in neatly closing his bag .

I had to find that folder before he got out this was very important, A persons livelihood is on the line . This was my one chance to find that folder.

I closed my eyes thinking as if I was in his shoes ... Where would I put the folder

I looked around the living room finding nothing , I walked back in the bedroom bending down to reach the bottom drawer, Opening the wooden drawer , I pushed the medicine bottles around grabbing the folder .

I quickly opened it up looking at the few papers then closing it once I found the information , shutting the drawer I stood up hitting Stephen's chest . I took one step backwards on my left foot holding my glasses.

Stephen looked down at me while oil was glistening off of him from the lightening in the bathroom I felt like he was Edward from twilight for a second. He had the towel wrapped around his waist showing his V-line.

Stephen opened his mouth to talk but I wrapped my arms around his neck slowly kissing him as he lifted me off my feet making me wrap my legs around him.

I didn't have a lie If he said what I think he was about to but at least this will get his mind somewhere else .

His towel started to fall as he moved towards the bed with me so I jumped down gripping his towel pushing him in the bathroom kissing his cheek

" you should fix that problem " I looked down then patted his stomach letting the towel go walking towards door grabbing my phone and the room key walking outside the door leaning against the wall .

" you wrong for that" Stephen yelled closing the bathroom door handling his business.

I stood by the door going through my contacts looking for a person who I know had the connection to that certain person I needed. She's a person who stays in other peoples business that's why she's only an associate plus she knows basically everybody on the west coast.

" Hey Kamari ...." I started off as she picked up the phone .

After I got off the phone with Kamari I called the other girl. I wasn't about to kiss ass but I needed this women's help.

I took a deep breath dialing the number and clicking call.

" Hello ... This is Justine"
Klay P.O.V

Right now I was sitting on Jasmine's couch watching tv as I waited for her to come out the bathroom so we could address the situation .

She walked behind me kissing my cheek fixing her dress sitting beside me . " You could've helped yourself to some food"

I smiled looking at her laughing " You ain't had to tell me, I already made myself some cereal"

" of course you did " jasmine pulled her hair up into a bun wrapping a rubber band around the bun.

She's beautiful but I don't know , right now I just want no strings attached .

" So what I want to talk about i-" she cut me off standing up smiling

" no worry's I won't fall for you , it's sex nothing more nor less "

I nodded listing to her talk getting distracted by the way her body was looking in that black dress.

She crossed her arms snapping her finger laughing . " you're not even paying attention to me"

I snapped out of my little trance

" I am paying attention , just not to what you saying " I grabbed her waist pulling her on my lap but she gave me a quick kiss getting up.

" oh no mister , I am not about to get fired because you're horny I have to go" she looked down at her phone grabbing her jacket as I stood up.

" They wouldn't fire your fine ass shawty"

" oh you wouldn't know the half baby boy " she smiled kissing me walking out " see you later on" she said leaving out.

Modeling is tough I give her that it defiantly has to be chemistry between you and that camera in order for you to have that good photo shoot.

I left shortly after Jasmine so I could meet up with some friends . I haven't been home in a whole I was thinking about going to visit my family .

A/N- so my @ name is no longer ( ari_320) it is now (soeleese) so you won't get confused . 😁

What was Ayesha thinking calling Justine ?

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